Monday, October 29, 2018

Dudley Choat

I'm not gonna kill "Chatterley" for you kidz nor will I complain about Steinbeck's finish of "Wrath'.  I WILL say that the Hero in "Chatterley" DOES fuck the shit out of a ravishingly beautiful Elitist, a seeming oxymoron, and Steinbeck DOES offer a Vision of Maternal Compassion that belies Reason-ality but again, that's the way IT goes.

I have my punching bags set up because I get to punch out those aspects of my own Ignorance which Demon me unmercifully.  I punch my self to Out, that aspect of Rage Sublimation which begets a health of Mindlessness and Body Submission.  I'm better when I beat myself up.

I'm figurin' to leave this at healthy.

I had just finished buying and installing a new radiator ad exhaust system for my Dodge D-500 Stake Body dump Truck.

I got in and turned the key.  There was a crash and caggle.  I looked under the hood.
The fan had busted loose, torn through the radiator and a blade had lodged in a brand new battery.  I pulled the hood down and stepped off the bucket.

My neighbor was outside and had heard the clank of disaster.

"You ok ? What happened ?"

I told him, man to Man.

He said, "I may have something for you."

Next morning there was a radiator from Only God Knows Where AND a new used battery.

I broke into tears and ran to his door.

He would accept NO Promise of Re-Payment. 

This was the Act of a TRUE American MAN.

Rock steady........steady as He goes.

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