Monday, October 22, 2018


When I completed Winners Take All I jumped rite into Elizabeth Economy's The Third Revolution.  Imagine my surprise and then HORROR when she described Xi's Rise to Power.  Here I read of the WAY in which Xi used Public Voice to announce the Myth Of Communism and All Its Glory.  Xi was ACCUTELY aware that the People had LOST FAITH in Communism and he made it his PRIMARY GOAL to inflict RE-BELIEF in HIS brand (or version) of "The Party".  Toward this end he restricted Internet Access, refused the Public Delivery of Dissention, ( same old restriction of INTELLECTUAL "Activity"), denied prolonged Study in Foreign Countries, and curtailed Foreign Industrial Engineering.  There was to be a MINIMAL of Westernization.  Democracy and Freedom were viewed as toxic agents to HIS brand of Communism.   Nothing new here. 

What frightened me was the HOW of all of it.  Here I found Trumpunism and Communism's EQUAL.   Trump ADMIRES Xi.  His shit transcends WHAT-THE-FUCK.  The mechanisms employed by Xi and his Party are also being utilized by trump and HIS propaganda machines.  Identical machines produce identical products.
Misery begets Misery.  1 = 1.

It was the thing about LOSING FAITH and re-establishing BELIEF IN "THE PARTY" that struck my gut like a mason's sledge-hammer wielded by Death himself.

Communism as RELIGION.  Trumpunism as RELIGION.

Belief in Xi is belief in GOD.  Belief in trump is also Belief in GOD.

You Kidz having fun yet ?

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