Friday, October 12, 2018

Goin' down to finish up ...

I'm goin' down [to my last line] to finish up [this blog series] =

We must try to become united by "CHALLENGE".

I have been insanely obsessed by my inability to conjure spell-as-remedy for American DIS-Unification.  I was seeking to rediscover those Aspects & Characteristics that defined Americanism (What it MEANS to be American) and I have stymied myself at every turn and intersection, which has, inevitably, brought me to stall.  CULTURAL Characteristics implode as an INTRINSIC Fracturing that manifests as a DENIAL of Similarity and ADVANCES a Wrathful Tribal-i-zation that has flooded the American Collective.  I was DROWNING in that Great Flood. 

It has taken me months to finally make the Shore of Challenge.  Challenge is the Land upon which ALL of US can stand.  EVERY Culture, EVERY Sub-Culture and EVERY Stratum has experienced Challenge as Primal Motivational Incentive.

We should not and MUST not be actuated to Suffering and Misery as THE "Shared Commonality" that Slave-CHAINS us to Primal Political Degenerative Hostility but instead we must be UNIFIED by the Greatest Of All --- AMERICAN CHALLENGE --- the Challenge of Democratic Virtue that MUST redefine our DIVINE MANIFEST DESTINY.

We are to fully ACCEPT this CHALLENGE of Civilization or submit to a DE-Evolution that RETURNS us to jungle predators.

Clearly, there IZ only ONE decision to make.

Rock steady........steady as WE go....

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