Friday, October 12, 2018

They call him Mister Slavery.

Next thing we know SLAVERY attacks both the North and the South with a vehement Vengeance the likes of which was UNKNOWN to the World.  Here, once again, I MUST "make" Slavery an "Entity" in that "It" acts as a Very REAL Force, (where force is a Cultural Dynamic) that "acts" upon the American Collective Conscious, a Consciousness that is SUPPOSE to be "Unified". 

I'm figurin' to make Slavery a MAGNIFIER of Human Aware-less-ness, a Social BLINDNESS that perpetrates a Species IR-RATIONALITY, the one where White Folks consider Black Folks as ANIMALS, and thus allows White Folks the Justification for Slavery, a Slavery that imposes Beasts of Burden Exaction upon Fellow Human Beings

I can't imagine that "IT", Americanism, can POSSIBLY get any worse.

You gotta figure that Northern-ers considered Southern-Errs as Mentally fucking ILL.

The Civil War wasn't Civil at all.  It was MEDICAL.

Normalers versus Illers.

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