Monday, October 29, 2018

Sewer Water Slush

There's a Passage in Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath that turned my guts to sewer water popcorn-ed shit slush.

The Hero / Protagonists is suddenly caught in a reverie of Atrocity.  He stands near an Orange Tree Grove, and sees the ground MASSED with Vitamin C laden Value, a Value that could alleviate the nutritional NEED of THOUSANDS of Famine-stricken AMERICAN CITIZENS.  He stands at Transfixed as his Mind sees the Farmer spray the oranges with a toxin that PREVENTS Human consumption.  He would rather DENY Life than have his profitlessness be Compassionate Relief. 

I don't know how Steinbeck was able to get that shit out. 

My eyes tear now and it has been YEARS  - - -

Heartlessness can't POSSIBLY "Cover it" but aye SUB-HUMAN CRUELTY comes close.

That's where I am.  Transfixed in incensed.

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