Wednesday, October 24, 2018

I Kant

On my worst days I write "Lies are Truth".  I note, "The Truth of Lies" - -  each "Lie" a "Truth" unto its Self.  Understand,  the expression of ANY statement is TRUE, in that, "It's true, I spoke words".  Content is only of secondary importance.  "Truth" somehow unites words, meaning, the Physical TRUTH of Speaking gets absorbed by Words Spoken.  Somehow, what should be and REMAIN Mental, becomes Physical as "Truth" becomes Sensation : so when trump Lies (where Lies are Truth) if FEELS "Real".  Clearly trump is SENSATIONAL.  We are TRANSFIXED by his ability to Lie in the exact same way we are Transfixed by the Once Spoken Words of Christ, JFK, MLK, Gandhi and Others.  In this rabidly insane sense, all words are Truth.  Whether or not REALITY enters as judgmental agent is of little consequence.  Words as Reality become nothing more than "Interpretation".  We all know that "Interpretation" is exceedingly "subjective". 

Read these words,   Democracy is a rotting carcass .  Truth is, I just typed those words.

Can you see it ?

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