According to "the polls" Americans are most concerned with Sickness Care, and the cost of Medical Attention. In a BRILLIANT display of Street and Gutter Savage, the republicans have claimed Obama-Cares and his "Pre-Existing" AS THEIR OWN. These are the Very Same that voted to ANNIHILATE Obama-Cares OUT OF EXISTENCE not once but SIXTY times. Their commercials are CONVINCING. They ring as TRUTH, and are therefore COMPLETELY Believable. Here it is that the "Truth" "don't mean shit" as my fellow Seekonkian Alfred Gamboa mob conscious-ed.
My Joan d'Arc, Rachel Maddow used "Look at what they DO -- Don't listen to what they SAY" as a backdrop for her program last night. The shit-whole thing of "Actions speaker louder than words" rings as sensational knell, the Truth be FELT. Trump and his have already allowed the States to circumvent MANDATORY "Pre-Existing". It's a DONE DEAL. It was done a mere 2 days ago, in the shadows of cellar squalor and backroom stench.
This was done despite SEVENTY PER CENT of Americans who WANT Obama-Cares to CONTINUE and be EX-P--A---N----D-----E------D.
Trump FUCK YOU-ED all of them, and to the last.
He bellowed, EAT SHIT AND DIE !!!!! The taste of shit is real.
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