Monday, October 22, 2018


The Truth of Abstract Ideals is fraught with SERIOUS complications and complexities.  As thoughts, they are both REAL and Unreal (where unreal is manifested as invisible) in that the only way to SEE a thought is by putting it to pen and paper or typing them with electricity onto screen.  Writing at THIS fucked-up Junk-sure becomes MAGIC.  You guys are reading my mind rite now. 

Since thoughts have Mind as Root and Source, you can see, feel and hear how DIFFICULT it is to "Change" someone's Mind and therefore to "change" their thinking and resultantly, their thoughts.  THAT'S the problem we liberals must face when dealing with Cultist Others.  What They Believe is VASTLY different from what WE "Believe".  You ain't gonna chop someone's arm off because you don't like it.  Same is true of their Mind.  Ain't no one gonna perform a frontal lobotomy on Trump, ain't
 no one gonna perform ANY frontal lobotomies on ANYONE.  That ain't how "IT" works. 

All that we have is a choice between dialog & social intercourse and Riot & Violence.

We can be Civilized or Barbaric.

It would seem as if there is only ONE choice but no and FUCK NO.

That's the problem.

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