Sunday, October 7, 2018

...just because...

So there's this Extreme =  Elite-ists want to get paid for sacrificing NOTHING.  They want to "help" Us as long as THEY do NOT have to sacrifice one goddamn thing. 

At the core of their being is the desire to feel GOOD about their inherited position in Society, a feeling that is offended by OUR "disapproval" of THEIR scheming cunning, and obsequious condescension.  They want to be perceived as Virtuous and Noble (my words not Giridharadas).  "Selfish" and "self-aggrandizement" does NOT appear in THEIR Street and Gutter Lexicon, (how can it ?)  They want to feel GOOD about ESCAPING their American Democratic DUTY to pay Taxes, so they Charity, somewhat whimsically, but use Business as their Vehicle of Community Worth.  They drive the bus that WE built for them, and claim IT as THEIRS.  If we want to ride with them WE gotta pay.

So I ask you, Is it Human Nature to want to be paid for "Doing Nothing ?"

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