Sunday, October 7, 2018

Exasperational Exhaustion

I have argued elsewhere that trump's ascendancy and the Putin Corruption-ism he transacts, has  birthed a New Dark Ages, the likes of which will exceed the First Dark Ages, because of POLITICAL Plague and Pestilence.  Brett Kavanaugh's promotion to the United States Supreme Court has GUARANTEED Misery and Hardship for a VAST number of HELPLESS Citizens, in part because of THEIR belief in the Myth of the U.S. Constitution and the Myth of the Declaration of Independence, which together form the Bible of American Democracy and its Collective Delusion, the American "Dream".

Exasperational Exhaustion has split me into two.  One Stephen is fucking DONE with Government-Atrocity-as-Public-Policy, the Horror of the War on American Justice --- and a one Stephen that stubbornly INSISTS that this War can be won by UNCONVENTIONAL Warfare and nothing less.  I want to IGNORE my Duty as a Citizen of a Country that I am loathe to find abhorrently repressive, but that I ADORE nonetheless, and I also want to generate a Combat Resignation that is defined by the Instinct of Self-Preservation, the one where we - as ONE - must  find a way not only to "just survive" but to generate a Killer Instinct that steadfastly REFUSES to be subdued by IMPOSSIBLE ODDS.

I am at the points of Complete Submission and "Kill or be killed".

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