Wednesday, October 10, 2018

...due-ly elected...

I ain't no Dave Gallogly and CERTAINLY no Marc Fortin.  I consider myself due-ly elected to the History Hall of Maim, the stratosphere of esoteric trans-substantiation, where I take Heavenly Ambrosia and Divine Procreational Activity and reduce it to Street "rutting" and Gutter fare.  The other day in my Book of Revelations I scrawled,
WE GOTTA TELL THOS FUCKING ASSHOLES THAT WE AREN'T GONNA EAT THEIR SHIT ANY LONGER !  "Classic Steve DeSilva" as Dave would say and most definitely due-ly noted.  I'm not that smot and I'm wicket weak.  I allow my insanity to speak my words --- Mental Tantrums gone the way of prejudiced clamor, emotion as Validation of Sensation.  I'm BIG on that.

What I WANT is for trumpist to take FULL Responsibility of Cruelism so as to ACKNOWLEDGE trump's Human Atrocities AS THEIR OWN.  Then I want them to RECANT their allegiance to Misery and Grief by naming themselves as Public Enemies subject to Penitential Subjugation of the Ultimate Disgraced Order.  THIS is why I'm Chock Full of NUTS.   That "That" can't EVER happen.  Know why ?  Cuz people are people.  Remember "Human Nature" ?  Human Nature is just like John Barley-Corn insidious, aggressive and invasive.  Problem is, Human Nature is ALSO Kind, Generous and Compassionate.

Human Nature is Bi-Polar.

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