Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Secret TO God is Steve DeSilva

It MAY be GARGANTUAN-ly inappropriate to express, The Secret of God is Steve DeSilva, but I gotta tell ya kidz, because of my Guy and HERO, Ludwig Feuerbach, Pen-Man of The Essence of Christianity and the Phrase, "the secret of God is Anthropology" I MUST confess that in order to make God in MY "Image", well then, I GOTTA "make" Him Bi-Polar.  God is Bi-Polar.  Only THEN can I account for HIS Love of Absurdity as Actuality, HIS Poetic Malfeasance, that of   "Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself".  Go Figure on that.  My fucking Neighbor is robbing me the fuck BLIND and swindling all my hard earned Medicare and Medic-Aid while HE sits on HIS fat fucking ass watching re-runs of  "Tosh.0" and nibbling on Deli thin-sliced Muenster Cheese.    Been there on that.   When Grotesque Horror is on the TEE VEE, you know the kind, starving children dying of thirst, I gots to click to Comfort & EASE 'cuz Human Atrocity leaves a bad taste in my mouth - - -  it's the HUMAN "Thing To do" IGNORE THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS.  Guilty I am.  Make no mistake.

I can live with that Guilt.  And let me add the Absurdity --  I MUST live with this Guilt or I will DIE.  THAT'S what the Instinct of Self Preservation does.  It PROTECTS us from our own Defilements. 

What can we do but shake our heads ?

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