Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Issue Fissure

I wondered about the strategy of confronting trumpists with the reality of Single Issue.  Would it be possible to single-out the Single Issue and make its RAMIFICATIONS the object of a discussion that would result in an acknowledgement of Higher Order Rationale, a Rationale that would lead to a "change of mind and a change of heart".
Would trumpists recoil from Truth ?

Consider trump's Cruel-ism manifested as Family Dis-Connect, the one where INFANTS and CHILDREN have been mercilessly ripped from the safety and security of Parental Protection, to be caged like wild ANIMALS in penitentiary-like compounds and detention centers.  Thousands of FAMILIES have been cleaved by trumpists and trumpism, in a Cruelty so horrific it echoes that of Nazi Germany.

Single Issue Voters have "gotten their way" but at what expense ?

Is one Person's Single Issue, to cause the Misery, Grief, and Untold Terror of THOUSANDS ????

How can that be ?  What has "happened" to the American Conscience ?

Why is there such great SOLACE in the Suffering of Others ? 

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