I study Human Nature only because I fascinate myself. It's ongoing to the point of delirium, I revel in an ecstasy of Demonic Duality, the one that finds COMFORT in William Golding's Lord of the Flies and Andre Malraux's Man's Fate. Both of which are ragingly neutralized by the SILENCE of Buddha's One Flower Extension, and the Raucous POWER of Chuang Tzu's The Inner Chapters.
It seems that the Do-Gooders BELIEVE that they can manifest Social CHANGE, obviously for the BETTER, by using BUSINESS to "accommodate" hardship, misery and Suffering and thus to ALTER Social Grievance by placing value on INDUSTRY, meaning, because there hasn't been a Socio-POLITICAL Revolution, a One to CHANGE the System to CORRECT Inequality DIRECTLY, they insist that Their Plan is the HIGHEST Option available.
Guys like me see that as a Band-Aid on a bleeding artery. THAT'S what THEIR "Plan" "IZ", and Giridharadas offers THAT as description/explanation.
In order to save Humankind, everyone should become the CEO of his or her own Business. These Elite-ist that have become rich off OUR backs, are gonna tell us how THEY did it, so WE can be like THEM. All we have to do is PAY them for their
"Apps". Their Business is to extract as much as they can from US and to call it, Compassionate SERVICE to Humankind. They have NO interest in changing the System in order to correct those measures that have FORCED oppression on us to begin with.
Theirs ain't no fucking Revolution, it is the Status Quo in REGRESSIVE Mutation.
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