Friday, October 26, 2018


Once again I was unable to maintain sleep.  I awoke at 1 a.m. alert and aware that I was drowning in a cesspool of shit, piss and corruption.  Pipe bombs, Supreme Court Horror, and the advent of an "Invasion" perhaps origin-ed by South American Communists, laid over from countless Local Revolutions gone catastrophic-ly  wrong, as well as my own inability to stay focused and maintain a disparaged dejection of objective disconcertion has rendered me first exhausted and then chronically moribund. 

Instead of the Pericles-an Ideal of Oratory Exhortation, I find myself fighting just to keep my OWN "wits" about me, dim they are and full of nits.  Every morning I push myself AWAY from desk and screen, to IGNORE my Duty to discharge Information that MAY be able to relieve the Suffering of Others, in order to salvage and maintain my own Shame-ity, in the face of fucking IMPOSSIBLE Odds, Odds that I want YOU Kidz to Battle as though MY Life depends upon YOUR Strength and Courage.  Every blog would end with GET YOUR FUCKING ASSES OUT AND VOTE - - -  WE ARE FACING THE END OF DEMOCRACY WORLD - - -  THIS IS THE APOCALYPSE !!!!

Shit like that don't go nowhere --- it can't.  Call me Chicken B. Little.

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