I don't know how LOVE is gonna make my fucking CRIMINAL "neighbors" PAY THEIR FUCKING SHARE of OBLIGATIONAL Taxes. God's Bi-Polarity breeds a fucking CONTEMPT for an Abstract "Fairness", itself, (the Contempt), a VIOLATION of Abstract Justice, an Ideal that both confounds and confuses those of us subject to the Laws of Common Decency to which ONLY WE abide. THIS is what leads Exasperation to Infuriation. If we are all HUMANS why should Human Nature (as an "Itself") deny us Truth as Egalitarian Equality ? Where is the so-called Uniformity of Human Nature ? Why is it (Human Nature) so susceptible to Fracture ?
Power Core-rupts. Power Dis-rupts. Power Inter-rupts. There are Rupt-Ures. "It" must be in the "Rupts". Rupts is its own Cosmic Force.
Human Nature is susceptible to Rupts.
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