Monday, October 22, 2018


What I am seeing is the Set of Athenian/American Democratic Ideals being supplanted by a Capitalist Materialism that uses the so-called Business Model as a Political RELIGION.  Hello CULT.  Scholars of Politics, we use to refer to them as Political Scientists, agree that the Kim Dynasty utilized the Christian Value System (of Belief) to transform North Korean Governmental Politics into a Cult of Kim.  Trump declared that he LOVES Kim.  What we are confronted with NOW is That Same, where trump is trying to advance his political ascendency as Salvation-ary.  He ranted, "Only I can fix America."  Since trump knows only BUSINESS, his "model" now pervades the American Consciousness.  Giridharadas complains that the Elites have adopted trump's Business Self-Aggrandizement AS THEIR OWN.  Trump vomits, "What's good for ME is good for America".  The Elites pus, "What's profitable for us is profitable for EVERYONE."  You can see and feel it rite ?  What's Truth for THEM is Abhorrence for US. 

Truth is RELATIVE.  Einstein had THAT Part Right.

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