Friday, October 12, 2018


The greatest, check that, MY greatest difficulty thus far has been discovering Those Aspects of Americanism that can represent the Abstractionalism of Philosophical Ideation.  You gotta figure that The First Folks To Set Ashore were ESCAPISTS, they want to ESCAPE Religious Persecution.  We DON'T hear THAT in our National Anthem.  There is no Anthemism that correctly portrays Native Souls as Compassionate Beings, Themselves given to the Native-Born Spirituality of Compassion, Generosity and Kindness.  Those Nit Wit Mayflower-arians would have wilted and DIED had it not been for the VAST Nobility of Native CIVILZATION. 

A couple of generations later, the Natives were "thanked" by wholesale Persecution, a European Genocide, the seeming prolog of Hitlerian Atrocity.

So now we have Escapists presenting THEIR Persecution as Ultimate Political Reality, a Reality that transformed Cruelty as "Justice". 

American Heinous Cruelty as Divine Justice.  Americans as Crueltors.

So far no good.

Americans are, at this point, defined by Diabolical Cruelty.

I ask, Where's the Love ?

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