Monday, October 22, 2018

Shit Spit

As I noted in this morning's twitter, My Guy and Hero, Carl Bernstein, noted that America's Democracy Foundation is built upon Truth.  He added bludgeoned that trump is at War with Truth and American Institution of Truth are being bombed into oblivion by trump's bombasts against Education, Finance and Justice.  I LOVE this kind of Patriotic Shit but I gotta tell ya Kidz it wears on me.  What is this Truth of which Bernstein rails ?  

I have issues with Universal Truth's that cannot be verified by Experiential Pragmatism.   THAT'S my problem with Einstein's Universe, we gotta TRUST a Guy NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND.  How does that make any COMMON Sense ?  We live in a Cult of Einstein.  How the fuck did that HAPPEN ?  Even when Einstein's Theories were used to radioactively ATOMIZE hundreds of THOUSANDS of INNOCENT Human Beings, we STILL honored and revered Him.  The same is true of the Bible.  Despite a God who ordered the SLAUGHTER of ENTIRE Villages, "every one and to the last" we WORSHIP the "Father Almighty".  The Qur'an and the Muslims didn't get "IT" any better.  Words on Paper.

Now we are being forced fed that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are MORE THAN "Words on Paper" and we are to sacrifice our lives for these Words and Paper in an almost FUTILE Exasperation of All That Is Supremely Pathetic. 

I'm tired of eating all this shit.

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