Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Feel me ...

It just doesn't SEEM egregious to have your EGO be responsible for the Misery and Grief of THOUSANDS of Others, who are Universally dependent upon the Universality of  Human Kindness and Human Generosity.  I MUST argue for the Case of Human UNIVERSAL Decency, that Human Decency is a UNIVERSAL Ideal, both ABSTRACT and Real --- and the FACT --- that it is BOTH Abstract and Experientially REAL, is what makes Human Decency Political CONCRETE.  So it is and so it MUST be, that the defilement of Human Decency acts as an Ingersoll Rand powered  jackhammer upon the Concrete Foundation of American Political Existence. 

Cruelism is such a Defilement.

Can you feel me now ??? 

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