Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The call me Pa Thetic

I'm rite-back where I started 'cept NOW I have all the answers AND the Design that SHOULD resolve the Whelm of Daunt while providing protective coverage from Winter's Icy Blasts, and Spring's Springs of Watery Splash.  The Problem WAS THE SOLUTION after all.  HOW in GOD ZILLA'S fucking name had I forgotten that THAT ?  

So NOW all I hafta do is DO IT~~~ and so now guess what ?  Go ahead ---guess ... . 
I DON'T WANT TO !!!  After all the raging bullshit and yak pus-filled VOMIT, I wanna watch the TV instead of DOING WHAT HAS TO BE DONE. 

They call me Pa Thetic.  I'm the bio-ill-logical father of  "Pro" Crastinate.

I know what you Kidz wanna know, WHAT WAS THE FUCKING ANSWER ?? !! ? !

It's a Secret.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Sensational Senselessness

Over-Whelming Daunt caused me to ask Stupid Questions.  Stupid Questions can lead to ONLY Stupid Answers :::  I LOVED rasping my students with, "There are no stupid questions, there are only Stupid People who ASK questions"...  There I was, the MOST STUPITEST People of ALL TIME, standing and searching for an Answer to the WALL which had, by now, taken on Ancient-Great-Wall-China-Gone-TRUMP Southern-Border-Stall-Wall,  all because I kept asking the WORNG Questions. 

I had managed to combine Status Quo with trumpty's Wall.  Classic Steve DeSilva shit.

After 5 hours of bewildering perplexity, most of which self generated, I "tapped out".

I rampaged inside, shed my armor and collapsed into my La-Z-Boy beaten raw and into Sensational Senseless Fullness. 

As the Heat crept into my muscles and my mind relaxed, the Answer as Solution surfaced.  It was there,   IN FRONT OF ME,    the ENTIRE Time.

I smiled to myself with whiff of miffed.

...they call Her Sin Tits...

I had fastened stuff with screws.  Thing is, the stuff was like Band Aids on  Bleeding Arteries and NOW I couldn't see the Wounds for the bandages, dressings and adhesive compresses and EVERYTHING was gonna take YEARS if not EONS to remove, relocate or discharge.  I HATED myself for "giving in" when I KNEW BETTER at the point of Decision :: do the EZ thing or fuck up and do the STOOPITEST thing, KNOWING I was un-leashing a rabid junk-yard MONGREL that I KNEW would  INEVITABLY  run me down and chaw a chunk outta my ass.   Guess what I did ?      Yup ~~~     Now I have half an ass and Rabies to boot.  Let the good times roll.

By this time I was lashed to my own Mast, a Prisoner of Tempest, seduced, utterly SEDUCED by the Sirens of TITAN, Those That Wail  "Just try this, don't do that, and the blistering Sin-Tits who ravishingly ravaged, "Are you SURE ?"

Well I WAS "Sure" alright ---  Sure I  WASN'T  Sure.  Indecision can knock you around like a goddamn PING-PONG ball and I was being played by "The HAMMER" my Table Tennis HERO. 

Where was I ?

Monkey See Monkey DON'T

One of my ambitions is to describe and explain, [ to teach] HOW to use your Work Mind to advance and deepen your Meditative Spirituality.  When you reach a True Meditative State, Wisdom "surfaces".  After 43 years of "activity" this "Process" is 2nd Nature to me.  When I don't write these blogs it ain't like I'm JUST sittin' on my fat fucking ass and doing NOTHIN'.  The World is my Classroom.  Questions and Conditions arise and issue forth in need of Answers and Explanations, only THEN can Understanding lead to full Comprehension.  The Value and WORTH of any Instructor is his or hers Ability to get from "Like This" to "Just Like This", which is The ESSENCE of Zen Reality.  For me, Education is SPIRITUAL.  Shit that Reality generates MUST be "dealt with" in order to maintain or in some instances RESTORE
Psychic Balance which on the Street is referred to as Peace and Harmony.  This aint no EZ task as you Kidz are well aware.  Fucked up things make us FUCKED-UP.  My job is to alleviate Suffering by offering specific Viewpoints that can aid in your Vision Ability to reconnoiter the Snares and Pitfalls of Political Reality.

While I was trying to restore Order in my Scaffolding, the Weight of the Status Quo Mass was upon me in CRUSHING manner.   I had "built" this Monster Scaffolding and it was arguing me to LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE.  Its SHEER-MASS was over-powering me.  I had to perform some SERIOUS lifting and UN-Screw Jobs, if I was to bring this MONSTER into compliant submission. 

You can see it rite ?   Guaranteeing Protection was now WORLD "Protectionism".

This fucking EZ "Job" was the Agent for World Transformation. 

All I had to do was figure it out. 

"Aye, there's the Rub"...

Ply Try

Yesterday I struggled, and struggled MIGHTILY, tying to figure-out how I can BEST utilize the sheets of plywood and the pallets I have for constructing a SIMPLE wall on the left, (exposed), side of my Scaffolding-War-Wagon-Now-Lumber-Protection- Agency.  Let me reiterate, this was an EZ task, stuff I can do when in a sleep-walk.   My  notions and ideas were satisfactory TO A POINT, I mean it this way :::  Since the Objective is to merely keep things COVERED the OBVIOUSLY simple shit was to do JUST THAT, i.e., use the plastic tarpaulin and fasten it securely, using what I already had available, in this case my hand clamps and a bunch or "C" clamps.  It was ;ure and utter bullshit from the "get-go" ~~~ the winds were how-ling and it made plywood and tarpaulin movement supreme AGGRAVATION.  Plus, I was PISSED the Solution hadn't occurred as Readily Available.  I angered myself because of my mental sluggishness. 

It wasn't "Just that"  ... ~~~ ___ --- .

Monday, February 25, 2019

...knockin' on Heaven's floor...

Please forgive the interruption~~~ I had to get some rice, kim chee, and seaweed soup.  I had planned to finish this with a few more blogs, the most important of which was one on "Personas", but now that I have a full belly, I'm more inclined to just sit and enjoy satiation, I WISH I could DO that but I must tie up a few loose ends.

Technically, Facts ARE Direct PHYSICAL Manifestations of TRUTH.  Unfortunately, since Facts reside in Communication, Verbal and Written, Facts can be manipulated by "Interpretations".  Here's the gag on That,  "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."   Also, Truth can be "Heaven Sent" or it can be sent from Hell.  Either way, you can see the Problem.  Somehow, by Definition, Truth can be both Right and Wrong at the exact same time.  Look familiar ????   Facts, on the other hand are suppose to be irrefutable.  Water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit--- No one can fuck with that unless they go to Celcius.  You see it, rite ?

Emanuel Kant, in his Critique of Pure Reason, insists that Truth itself, is dependent upon MAJORITY Agreement.  It is absolutely ESSENTIAL that We agree that trump MUST BE STOPPED.  Everything else MUST remain as ancillary consideration, at least until trump is deposed and BANISHED from American Soils and Territories FOR ALL ETERNITIES.  If Moscow is his Elba, so must it be.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

"Mirror, mirror, on the Wall..."

My Guy and Hero, Fareed Zakari, went Existential.  He complained that  IF The O-C and the democrats employed the SAME tactics, techniques and strategies of the republicans, those of Deceit, Deception, Truth Invalidations and Willful Ignorance,  THEN   Where does that leave the Rest of Us ? ... the Rest of Us being American Society, Culture and Civilization.  

Here's MY response, "IT" leaves us on EQUAL FOOTING and EQUALLY ARMED.

If you "Enter The Octagon" empty handed, armed with only "We must fight fair", and your opponent brings knives and wears cesti, you are gonna be beaten sense-less and into a bloody pulp. 

In Modern Times, Truth, Sound Reasoning, Logic and Higher Order Rationality has NO PLACE in American Politics ----indeed, when did they EVA ? ! ? !! ???

ALL of us "Good" guys have witnessed our Allies being beaten and battered because,
"Nice Guys finish last" or, they don't get to finish at all.

Fareed and Lady Obama don't get it.  "Taking the 'High Road' " aint gonna cut it.  It means to try and circumvent PHYSICAL VERBAL ABUSE, an Abuse at which trump has PROVEN commands Electoral Superiority. 

Trump fully comprehends that Words ARE  "Sticks and Stones".  He's already beaten the best the rats had.


" The O-C "

Yesterday my Hero, Fareed Zakaria, almost CHASTISED my "Girl" Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose name I have shortened to, "The O-C".  Fareed accused her of disseminating "Pie-In-The-Sky" "fabrications", that is, "Imaginings" that lacked Facts-As-Truth-Rational-Gravity.  He accused her of suspending Truth in order to gain EMOTIONAL Leverage with respect to and in regard of Political "Manipulations", what I have elsewhere referred to as "Influence" and Persuasion."  I listened appalled and aghast as he equated her Offerings with republican propagandal Subjectivities, also known as TRUMP'S TREASONOUS LIES and POLITICAL DECEITS. 

The "O-C" emotion-ed that Billionaires SHOULD NOT be allowed a Taxation Free
Existence while MILLIONS of Americans live in Povertal Filth and Squalor.  She Biblical-ed the Moral Judgment of, "It's just WRONG".  I have a HUGE problem with Biblical Moral Condemnation---I see it as an intrusion of Church into State.  But I get her dagger.... .

THAT aint even MY dagger-point this morning.  For me "it" gets worse.

Malichi Constant

There a couple of dynamics at work in the American Political Collective Conscious.  I used "dynamics" but I could have used "Factors".  For my purposes this morning, they are interchangeable.  One is, "Don't kill the Messenger",  the second is, "The Truth Hurts", and a third MAY be,  Politics is DEAD.  I'm lookin' at a SOCIAL "Condition" whereby Agrarianism has been supplanted by Mercantilism and it is "Mercantilism devoid of Democracy" that has secured manifestation in public reckoning by  INCORPORATING CORRUPTION as its "Means to an End", that "End" being Absolute Control of the Mechanisms for Governmental Authority.  Trump represents this "Absolutism".

The New Civil War in America, as far as I can see, has 2 Armies :::  A citizen is either a Capitalist or a Socialist === ...this is "what happens" when the Humanism of Politics experiences Humanistic Corruption, meaning, Instead of a Government "BY the People and FOR the People" it is a Government BY Businesses and Business People FOR Businesses and Business People------.

Democratic Capitalism MEANS that Moral Goodness i.e., "The Customer is ALWAYS Right", CAN be manifested as Political Compassion, a benchmark in the Territory of Egalitarian Liberalism.  However, when Mercantilism is ROBBED of its Democracy "Buyer BEWARE", and "Never give a sucker and even break" become the models of Business "Execution", and Execution that is further BILLBOARDED by Cruelty, the INHUMAN Cruelty of "For Profit", a cerebral lethality of "Only the Bottom Line Matters."

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Bye for now

I'm sorry kidz --- I gotta leave this here.  I'm still recovering from prostate biopsies and believe it or not my RIBS are aching. 

I promise to continue with this soon.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

..."luckless pedestrians"...

If trump was elected ILL-LEGALLY, if he was projected onto Victory by means of RUSSIAN Super-Cyber Intelligence, then his "Presidency" SHOULD be declared "Null and Void".  Further, ALL of "Everything he has done", every promotion, every Cabinet Member, every Federal and Supreme Court Judge, should also be summarily DISQUALIFIED and REMOVED from Office, Position or Official Position, IMMEDIATELY.  Trump's Presidency is INVALID, making ALL ELSE INVALID AS WELL just to be redundantly redundant---again and again.

Also, it is the Notorious "RIGHT" that has ROBBED our Treasury of over ONE TRILLION DOLLARS and it is THEY, who have declared WAR on the Poor, the Weak, The Infirm, CHILDREN and EVERY American Institution that houses Democratic Idealism within Its Walls, Corridors, Offices and Meeting Rooms.  In effect : THEY HAVE DELCARED WAR ON DEMOCRACY and AMERICA itself.

It is THEY who have committed Treasonous GRIEVANCE against the Mind, Body Heart and Soul of the American MAJORITY.  Indeed, there IS a "Civil War" and IT is THEIR War on CIVILIZATION, what we venerate as Human Decency.

Nothing remains for US save to declare WAR on War.

Ignor Amos

The American "Right", which should be conceived of as WRONG, consists of Evangelical Fundamentalists, (of the scope and measure of I.S.I.S Fanatics), Conservative Status Quo-ans, Red Neck "transients, riff-raff and ne'er-do-wells", and let's not forget the "Towering Infernos" of 1 per cent-ers, whose incendiary claims of "Money is Power" ignite the Conflagrations of Income In-Equality among the hamlets, villages and towns of rural and municipal America.  This "They" have begun inciting War Mongerism by claiming that the Left, us GOOD Guys, have declared War on THEM.   I mean, I HAVE declared War on IGNORANCE, it just so happens that THEY are THE MOST IGNORANT Peoples in [what's left of] America.  

The University of Con Etiquette

I "make no bones" about being a GREEK Sophist.  One of my "I"s is from Athens, more precisely Ithaka, the Home of Odysseus.  Here I MUST apply the Rhetoric of Poetry if I am to gain advantage in the leveraging of Logic, Rationale and Common Sense, a something that appears as illusory delusion, but manifests in me as Influence, and greater still, as Persuasion.  The 6th tract of Santana's Self Titled is "Persuasion" and it has COMPELLING Power.  Such is the true nature of Persuasion, it COMPELLS.

One of my Boxing Heroes is Sean O'Grady former WBA World Champion.  He once defined Boxing as "Imposing YOUR Will upon your opponent".  Here is a parallel view of "Persuasion", and one that aids my use of Sophism.  Sophism itself can rankle as [verbal] "Con Job" and as a result can be received as criminal Rhetoric.  I aint-gonna deny it.  Truth CAN-BE "bent" and "twisted".  Consider the Jazz Mastery of Miles Davis who INSISTS on setting his Music to the key of  "What-the-FUCK ?" !!! ...a Key that Unlocks Emotion to release Vibrational SENSATION.  Here, Maestro Davis "BENDS" the notes of TRUTH so that they can deliver the Truth of Other Dimensions, Truth that Influences our Perception of Reality and ENHANCES the Texture and Richness of Life as EXPERIENCE.

I want THAT in my writing.  THAT'S why I "bend and twist" the "Truth", using Mythology to code Understanding, an Understanding that can lead to Comprehension.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

"Don't be afraid of binomial nomenclature"

So are the words on one of my FAV Posters.  (X42 x r) ~ (67 + Z28) = Y.  It's reading to me NOT to be afraid ?  I don' think so.   There's no Math in Arithmetic~~~ it's why I wasn't smot enough for Trig. 

"Don't be afraid of Socialism"  EZ-er read then done.

Socialism ISN'T Communism.  Understand THAT first (Above all else). 

Think of Socialism as the "SOCIAL" in Social SECURITY.  It's a GREAT Place to start.

Socialism on the Street  MEANS   "The Playing-field of Life is LEVEL", here it is that OPPORTUNITY isn't mandated by Wealthy CRIMINALS.   Government OBLIGATION is expressed by PUBLIC Education, PUBLIC Industry and PUBLIC Health-care.  EVERYBODY'S Taxes are utilized for EVERY BODY, not just a "Chosen FEW". 

I must leave this here.  I've been at this since 1 a.m. and I gotta eat.

Rock steady........steady as We go....


I'm gonna stand shoulder to shoulder with Bernie Sanders and here confess that my Political Foundation is FAR to the "Left" of Sanders'.  I am a MILITANT Idealist whose Political Reality is GLOBAL Utopianism.  Burn-y is as close as I can get to What America NEEDS on the Street and in the Gutters.  Burn-y is my age, speaks the Same Language,, and has NOT wavered from his Personal Idealism.  I don't know if I can ask for anything more.

My job at present is to begin to describe Socialism as an ANTIDOTE for trumpian Rhetorical POISON. 

We THINK in WORDS, Language manipulates our Consciousness.  Therefore, Expressed Ideas govern our Sensibilities.  Physically, trump uses "Socialism" as a DAGGER to the Body-Political Heart of Democratic Americans ---"it" aint JUST a verbal Poison, "it" manifests in TRUMP'S Reality as "Life Threatening".  It ISN'T, of course, how can it be if Socialism's ESSENCE is "Power to the People"   ALL People, assholes INCLUDED ? ( .)

Hammer Time in Hammerstein trump stood before HIS American and ass-stern-ed, "There ain't gonna be no SOCIALISM in OUR America."  The faces on the Folks That Stood Behind Him were spasm-ically askew in perplexity wrench.  Not ONE knew what the fuck Socialism was, not a one.  Trump's Words had hammered them into Ignorance Bliss.

Trump revealed PRECISELY what was needed to reconfigure Democracy and it WASN'T the "tic-tic-tic" of PETTY Influence, the one of "baby steps" and rattle mobiles.  The stubborn insistence that Values and Ideals can somehow MAGICALLY alter the Hardened Steel MASS of Status Quo ENORMITY is genuine in its AUDACITY.  Sticks and STONES break bones, Words can't EVER hurt we.

Socialism is needed to attack Despotism and to DEFEND Democracy.

It's Hammer Time in Hammerstein..... .

Sometimes ya just need a bigger hammer...

I've been dyin' to use that title.  I have more than a few drafts of Pallet Dismantling Secrets.  My intention was to reveal The Wisdoms That Surface When Your Mind Is At Rest.  My Guy, Joe Rogan, was coloring an MMA Combat when he issued, "Repetition is POWER".  I'm telling you  That IS Truth.  I take it one further, Repetition reveals SECRETS.  One of those "Secrets" , ESPECIALLY in Pallet Reclamation ,, is the title above, Sometimes you just need a BIGGER Hammer.

I have an array of hammers, from 1.3 pounds to mini-sledges, both carpentral and mechanical.  The lightweights produce "tic-tic-tics" and although extremely valuable for tagging nails, they DO NOT have enough WHAM BAM needed to impact GIANT Movement.  Here, STRENGTH is MANDATORY ~~~ wielding the hammers becomes Conscious WILL to POWER. 

Here's the deal when Trade Secrets are applied to Real World Politics.  It aint gonna be enough to "tic-tic-tic" the Present Government with tiny hammers used by weak armed Boston or Iowan Dandies.  Trump has MAULED America to an UNRECOGNIZABLE and FULLY Dysfunctional DISASTER.  Concerned Citizens and DECENT Folks speak, sparingly, of "Revolution".  REFORMATION is closer to the Truth.  Things need to be REFORMED, that is HAMMERED into place.

Toy hammers are for children... ~~~

Fool's Goal

I have argued, repeatedly, that America has OUT-GROWN its Constitution, a Constitution planted by FARMERS.  America is no-longer an Agrarian Civilization.  America has EVOLVED.  The Mythological Belief, that "ANYONE can become President" has generated an individual who DEFIES Democratic Values, the Values that were used to fertilize The Land Of Egalitarian Liberalism. 

In an Effort to regain American Democracy,  every American "Tom, Dick and Harry" ;  every Ethnic Mary-Jane, Winifred and Lourdas,, is currently engaged in The Campaign For Democratic Decency .   EVERY asshole THINKS they can run the Gov because  "If trump got elected, so can I".  Somebody shoot me,  TWICE !!

I aint buyin' it for a fucking PENNY !!!

Soul of Shit Hole

When Corruptionism reaches its most corrupted state, Greed rules.  That's my "take" on,  "When Capitalism reaches it Monopolistic State, FINANCE rules." 

In America, trump's Corruptionism, is MAGNIFED, by his BLATANT Hatred of American Democracy and his unrelenting APPROVAL of all Despotic Regimes , and these Two have unhinged American Democracy to a point where only THIRTY Per Cent of the American Electorate can fully function the Outrage of Internal Political Division and External Foreign "Affairs".  Understand that EVERY trump malfunction and malfeasance is based upon EGREGIOUS Childhood Deformities.  The World views trump as a "Cry Baby", rightly so --- the FACT that he is supported and maintained by an American Senate that abjectly REFUSES to restrict his most squalid impulses is testament to the unremitting GREED of America's One Per Cent, Tax Exempt Corporations,, and the pathetic Politically "Positioned".

America has become its own Shit Hole.

Apologia Apostasy

I want to apologize to the World of my Readers.  How it is that I am read in over 10 Countries is a complete Mystery, yet, I see these Nations listed in my Overview, and I trust the record of such Internet Data.  I apologize to YOU because Donald Trump is the Most Grotesquely Despicable "President" that America has EVER "produced".  ANY "Apology" CANNOT afford the Relief that needs to be aspirated.  Such Relief COULD take the form of Impeachment, yet, here again, I must apologize for my TRUE Country, a Nation that is SUPPOSE to elevate DEMOCRACY as the Ultimate Form of Egalitarian Liberalism for its heinous APATHY .   I'm telling you point blank, Democracy, in its Purest Form, does NOT exist in America at this Junk-sure in Government Evolution.  We suffer and we Suffer greatly.  Worse, OURS is the cause of SUFFERING throughout the World.  The Nation that effected the "Marshall Plan", that helped REBUILD Europe's War Ravaged ,  now cages CHILDREN as WILD ANIMALS.

"Oh   have the Mighty fallen".... .

The Time Before Before

I have it in my head that America isn't gonna be "al-right" until Teachers in every classroom have Teachers' Aids, and each village, hamlet, town and municipality have their own Rubbish and Trash Collection "Agency".  I want Town Jobs to BE "Town Jobs", and I want the Locals to manage these Obvious Necessities with Sophisticated Dignity.  Money generated by Local Taxation should be used to develop and maintain the Local Industry that IZ Municipal Government.  For instance, some of the Folks in my High School became Police Officers, and Road Scape "Technicians".  Commendable on ANY Level...  The Town provided a "Good" Life, with an Income that afforded Family, Home, Medical Security and Retirement Planning.  These "These" were available BY Town's-Folks FOR Town's-Folks because it was NATURAL in this kind of Society.  Here, "Natural" implies "Common Sense-ical".

I'm a Simpleton.  I view Simplicity as the Refinement of Intellectual Sophistication~~~ William Ockham had it RIGHT ~ ~ ~  I am one of his, only with a Sword.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Please forgive an old man.  The series that began with "Frog Rock" got interrupted by a Kitchen Emergency that lasted several hours.  I an exceedingly uncomfortable when I write about the suppose-ed EZ shit that constitutes my Existence.   I wanted to make certain you Kidz understand that the True Nature of Existence involves, Meditation, Training, Work, and Research Into Self.  There IZ time to "Fuck OFF" but you gotta keep THAT to  BARE Minimum because you need "Fuck-Off" Time to enjoy BAD Sci-Fi Films and Martial Arts Horrendous...just to be clear.

I will return to Daily Activities, hopefully at Some Future Point, that aint where I'm taking you today. 

Since The Time Before Before I committed myself to countering the American's "State of the Union" with my own Address From Where I Sit.  Because I sit in front of the "Idiot Box", the "BOOB Tube",, for what seems like ENDLESS Hours,,, you can understand where I "come from" ;  the Realm of Politics and Heinous Suffering.  Yet I am obliged to include Poli-tickles because, sometimes,, the World is so stricken with HORROR,,, it's a Relief to "Make Fun Not Bore" ;  rather than languish in consideration of Ritual Suicide.

Be that as it may ~ ~ ~

Monday, February 18, 2019

Frog Crock yesterday was my birthday, I've survived 67 years, I don't know how.

I have a procedure to undergo that will determine if my prostate has an invasion of Cancer ;  Dr. Leddy said it was "50-50".  The LAST thing I want to fend off is a Cancer-ridden thorax :   if I'm gonna die I'd rather the Sword, NOT the scalpel.  I don't want surgery to keep me bed-ridden until I frog out and croak.  Oh well ~ ~ ~ .

The Question "So what have you done with your Life ?"  looms as Dream-Weaving-Fantasia.  I ended thousands of Lifetimes of Alcoholism, but I'm LOATHE to have THAT as "Signature" Tag on my gravestone ... it's remarkably UN-REMARKABLE.

I have left behind a pretty decent size volume of writing.  I've answered the BIG Questions by utilizing ALL my Educations and Experiences -blah-blah-blah.  What I want to "get to" today is the Everyday Rituals that hallmark and BILLOARD the activities that define the Mundane of Routine.  The (My) Writing MUST have a Point of Origin, at least you'd think, it doesn't, so what is it that I do that "makes" me a Conduit for Universal Energy ?  THAT Question interests me greatly. 

It' stupit to try and take credit for what I write and the Ideas that "surface" from an Unconscious Unknown, because THAT is the UNIVERSAL COLLECTIVE that is the Source of ALL Knowledge and Wisdom.

All I do is make myself available to It.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Dream Weaver

Immediately following The Attack On Pearl Harbor, Japan's Military High Command was notified that Japan's Dispatch = "We are going to War" - did NOT reach Washington. The Supreme High Commander remorse-d, "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant."  The "SLEEPING" is my intent of today's consideration.  Trump is "ASLEEP at the Wheel".  No One, it appears, can awaken him. 

But isn't America "asleep" as well ?  We are NOT experiencing Life as the "American DREAM" but at the American NIGHTMARE, as I have tried to weave this morning.

Sometimes, as in  MOST  times, when we are trapped in a Nightmare,, it is damn near IMPOSSIBLE to rouse ourselves.  We are caught by the MONSTERS and OGRES of OUR OWN CREATION.  Everything in our dreams IS an Aspect of OUR OWN Psyche.  Our dreams are OUR Creations.  Every "Thing" in our dream is US.

America doesn't need a "Revolution" we need to WAKE THE FUCK UP !

I gotta go. This is s far as I can take you kidz to Today.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

"Hello NEUUUUMANN" there's this 444 page, small-print VOLUME, with a TWELVE page Bibliography, written by Erich Neumann ( I was told the pronunciation is NOY-man) titled The Origins and History of Consciousness.  This MASSIVE aint for the "feint of heart".  I couldn't "put it down" and I set it aside ONLY when my eyes bled and my nose leaked pus.  Neumann explains how Building the Pyramids IZ "Man achieving FULL Consciousness" i.e., leaving the Animal World of Levy-Bruell's "Participacion Mystique", the one where there is NO "Thinking" rational or otherwise,, and entering the World of Reason and Rationality,,, the so-called "Thinking World" where What's-his-name gravity-ed "I think therefore I am." 

On the Mythological Screen it presents as, "I build Pyramids, therefore I am".

THIS is trump's POWER.  His "Wall" IZ his Pyramid.  Trump's Unconscious, the COLLECTIVE Unconscious of HUMANKIND, has within it the "GOD" Power of ALL the Universe, it's OVERWHELMING Majesty and Every Single HORROR that Humankind can Conceive and ALL that "It" CANNOT Conceive. 

Just as the Universe is ever Ex-p--a---n----d-----ing so too trump's Diabolical Cruelty .

Every Body wants to believe that "There MUST be an 'End' "...  Political Astro-Physics does NOT concur.

The Zen Bizarre of Oxymornic Logic

Trump attacks the Media, the very Media which provided him UNTOLD RICHES with regard and respect to TV SOCIALIZATION and Propaganda Inundation during his campaign.  He wishes HE could control the Media and the Internet in EXACTLY the Same Way as putin and xi.  Trump's REVELS in the Media Coverage and LOATHES it AT THE EXACT SAME TIME !!!  Anybody here recognize the Zen Bizarre of Oxymoronic Logic ?  

Here's what I struggle with :~   If TV IZ the Manifestations of UNCONSCIOUS Instincts, the Primal Ones, the Ones of  "Dog eat dog" and "Kill or BE killed",, and if these Primal Instincts ARE NOT CONTROLLED,,, then assholes like trump ascend to UNSPEAKABLE Power.

Here it is that Primal Instinctuality combines with Evolutionary Parentalism to generate a Patriarchal AUTHORITY that CANNOT be challenged.

The Man-Child of Civilization MUST resort to HIS Evolutionary Directive which is to KILL the Father and WED the "Mother", in this Cosmic Instance, Mother Nature and Her Twin Mother Earth.

Hello Oedipus, Mueller be thy Name.

Steel Boot Iron Fist

One of the BIG Problems in China, according to Elizabeth Economy and her
The Third Revolution is the wholesale FLIGHT of Liberal Intelligence FROM China TO The West.  As soon as students get a Study Visa they boogie NEVER TO RETURN.  There is almost a WAIL from China's Scientific Community to OPEN the Gates to Other-World Intellectual Scholarship so that China can be FERITLZED by the potency of Western Research.  Xi IGNORES these Supplications and imposes State Censorship on ALL Internet Interactions.  Here, the State's Communism GUARANTEES Intellectual Stagnation.  The Same is True of China's Political Modernization "Plan", which anchors Revolution in The War On Corruption, a Corruption that parallels the Flight of the Intellect, the One where as soon as ANY "Wealth" is accumulated, that Wealth and its Operatives FLEE China, once again, NEVER to Return. 

Xi crushes the throat and Voice of the Young with his Steel Boot, while depriving them of ANY Western Influence with his Iron Fist.

Students challenge, "If Communism is so fucking GREAT why not TEST it against Western Political Ideations ?"

Agents of the Sore

Here's where I'm taking you : ~

Trump "RUNS" a Nation by WATCHING TV and then USING THE INTERNET to Communicate his Dreams and Visions. 

HIS "Dream Reality" is OUR "Nightmare".  We are LIVING a DAYMARE. 

Elsewhere I have stated  that trump has a Medusa Charisma.  Folks are UNABLE to stand in front of him and confront him with the TRUTH.  Battle hardened GENERALS have chosen to SAVE THEMSELVES rather than Confront trump.  Trump has been SAVAGELY Successful at inflicting his political CRUELTY onto The Migrant Population AND HIS OWN NATION.  Trump has been able to manifest HIS Unconscious, the one of Jungle Law and Old Testament Atrocity, through the Use and Abuse of TV and the Internet which are his Electronic Agents of Mythological Terror.

Folks use to concrete, "I know its TRUE cuz I seen it on TV."

We have NOT "grown passed",  "I know that's it's true because I read it in a book".

Gutenberg and his Printing Press plus Movable Type opened Pandora's Box.

TV and the Internet are EXACTLY equal to the Printing Press and Movable Type.

You can see it rite ?  UNCONTROLLED Technology has "brought about" the New Dark Ages. 

TV, The Collective Conscious

I listened the Universe as it described a "Condition" whereby the Planet's Nervous System IZ the Internet. I've had that Thought before.  It was EXTREMELY unsettling, in the EXACT same way that my Notion that TV is, what I have labeled it, the Collective CONSCIOUS.  Elsewhere I proffered that TV ACTS like our Unconscious, generating DREAMS ~ both Wish Fulfillments and NIGHTMARES.  According to Jung, Dreams are a BALANCING Mechanism, that presents Emotional Conflicts that get resolved SOMETIMES  IFF  these Unconscious Obstructions to Mindful Harmony are experienced as CONSCIOUS Perturbations. 

At the End of the Work Day we watch TV.  At the end of the Waking Day, we Dream.  I'm sayin' These Two are Psychologically IDENTICAL.  That's my theory.

...road kill thrill...

I awoke into full Consciousness at 2 a.m. EST (America) Earth Time.  The Universe was sending me Information ~~~ in my mind's background Huey Lewis and His News were doing, "Happy to Be Stuck On You".  I got out of bed wondering.  I listened to the Information as I went about Morning Set-Up.  "It" had to do with Romania and Italy, Global Migration and Its Cause.  I got my coffee, ignited the Remington Mini-Furnace and settled into "Chairy~Chair" to Receive as the ambient air temperature climbed out from only Polar Bearable. 

A way long time ago, after I'd completed Some Research and Some Study, I had the Notion that TV was a form of Jung's "Collective Unconscious", a Manifestation of Such.  The reason my theory seemed viable was because of Marshal McLuhan's The Media is the Message, The Gutenberg Galaxy, Understanding Media and Counterblast.  McLuhan argued that Roman Roads were a form of Civilization COMMUNICATION.  The Roads UNITED the Empire because upon them Empiric Information could be transmitted ALMOST effortlessly and in a RELATIVELY brief amount of time.  The Roads expedited Troop Movement as well, the Original Objective, so the Communication Aspect of Roads although seemingly ancillary, was somehow a manifestation of the Conceptor's Unconscious, or so I want to believe.

The Medium is the Message argued that the Technology that supplied TV was the BIG Thing, that the CONTENT of TV's Programing was only of SECONDARY Importance.  Remember how we FELT when we saw an airplane or jet ascend from the runway FOR THE FIRST TIME.  It's that kind of Cave-Man AWE that TV generates.

Only No One knew that TV was-gonna DOMINATE our Senses, that in these Modern Times some Folks leave their TV "ON" 24-7.  They can't live without its Presence.

Technology changed Humankind. 

TV was the new Roads of the Empire. 

Indeed, TV was the Communication that United the Electrified World.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

...paranoid lethargy...

My head hurts.

I'm gonna head over to U.R.I. and swim until I almost drown.  I wanna work myself UP into a brain dead Low, that way I can receive the News with paranoid lethargy.

American Democrats, the rats, are "trying to find out who they are and WHAT they espouse".  Their Search of Soul is the Journey from Eden to Hell and Back Again.

Listen Kidz, I can't foresee ANY "Case" where Democracy ISN'T chained by Slavery and European Primal Migrant INVASION the SAME Invasion that Spain inflicted upon the Natives of what was to be Pope-d as South America. 

Invasion, Genocide and SLAVERY  ARE  what Made America "GREAT".

Just tell me how Democracy is gonna fix THAT .

...submit or be killed...

I just wanna know what the fuck we're lookin' at here. 

If Democracy is so fucking GREAT, WHY is the Entire Planet on a Global Trajectory to Despotic Authoritarianism ?   The People of America and the Folks of EARTH are feeling that Democracy RIPPED-US THE FUCK OFF .  Where are the jobs ? Where are the Opportunities, Why are SLAVE "wages" the New NORMAL ?   Planetary OUTRAGE exists because Democracy Loving Capitalists, use Democracy to EXPLOIT and RAVAGE Honest Workers, and utilize Democratic PRINCIPLES to advance the Capitalist "Common Good" of SLAVERY Welfare. 

This Deal about the American Civil War ....  Here it was that Democracy, the so-called Will of the Majority, used UNSPEAKABLE Human Atrocity, 637 THOUSAND "Soldiers" SLAUGHTERED, "for" what can be considered Lincoln-Liberality, the One where "All Men Are Created Equal And THAT INCLUDES Black Folks".   Here it was the Democracy employed WAR to FORCE Minority Opposition to submit to Majority Will.  Democracy, at this point, MUST be seen as SAVAGELY VIOLENT at its Inmost Core. 

Don't get me wrong, had I been there I'm certain I would have worn Northern Blue.
What I'm sayin' here is that Democracy AINT so fucking PURE and Condem-Nation  FREE.

Here's all I'm sayin'.  The Reason we're all fucked-up is because Democracy is fucked-up, that's all.


The Deal with Democracy is this :=:  If you lose an election, if your candidate was BEATEN, then Democracy insists YOU MUST SUBMIT TO THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY.  But this Democracy has FAILED.  The American republicans, the shit cans, REFUSED to acknowledge the Core Principle of Democracy, what I have just noted as "The Will of the Majority".  Obama's Tenure is Proof Absolute.  Republicans WALLED Obama and his Voters with Status Quo Political HEDONISM.  Democracy, in its near-sighted to Legally BLIND "vision" became socially paralyzed and this socio-political Paralysis generated an Instinctual PRIMAL Response as Status Quo Protectionism, the one where the people are savagely raped and beaten into an educatorial and financial Slavery. 

Here, Democracy was RAVAGED to "become" the grotesque of National SLAVERY, the One where Minimum Wage is SUBSISTENCE ONLY, the one where Poverty, both Physical and Emotional, GUARANTEES Status Quo Absolute-Ism, the Absolute-Ism of Senatorial Malfeasance and Congressional Malpractice. 

Trumpism IS this American Neo-Slavery Absolute-Ism.

..."Gone, all gone." ...

A Democracy is suppose to be the "Will of the People" , and THAT should be qualified by, "the MAJORITY of the People."  But look what has happened when the MAJORITY of the People did NOT exert RESOUNDING Electoral MANDATE, and some 17,000 trump miscreants exerted MINORITY predatory Influence over the Electoral COLLEGE.  Here, Democracy FAILED, and failed MISERABLY because the Constitution Contractors COULD NOT FORSEE CORRUPTION AS NATIONAL PANDEMIC.  How the fuck COULD they ?   If Democracy elected the most heinous fuck up the World has even known then Democracy MUST be THE MOST HEINOUS RIP-OFF the World has ever experienced. 

I've axed, Where is Athens ?  Where is China ?  Where is Persia ?  Where is Egypt ?  Where is Rome ?  

Joseph Heller's "old man" croaked it best,   "Gone, all gone".

...brain dead head...

Hitler genocides MILLIONS - - the "World" Unites and "It's OVER, over There".  Stalin gets control of "Russia" but there ain't no Unification, same with Pol Pot, and now same with al Assad.   I don't get it.  The U. N. was conceived to make the Earth UNITED in some form of fucked up Global Democracy and this Global Democracy has the United States as its Head, and now you GOTTA figure that this fucking head is brain dead.  Trump is fucking BRAIN DEAD.  Trump and his have caged THOUSANDS of CHILDREN and there is NO Sanction coming from the U. N. because the U.N. IZ American Democracy, the Democracy that is currently receiving putin Corruptionism as GLORIOUS "Self Evident". 

Look at this Kidz :=:  "Democracy" "got" Donald trump ELECTED.  Look at trump and what he's done to America and you GOTTA figure that not only is Democracy fucked-up, Democracy is DEAD.  You read it here first,

Democracy is DEAD !!!

Buy now, Hell later...

I voted for Obama because he promised to "END the Eternal Wars".  He gets in office and the Mil tells him. "YOU AINT ENDED NO FUCKIN' WARS".  Here it is that Democracy ISN'T The Root and Source of Civilized Socio-Political Trajectory but Military Atrocity IZ  !!!!  Understand that according to Obama's Generals there was NO CHANCE at RETREAT, not in Iraq, not in Syria, not in Afghanistan and definitely not in Yemen.  Obama and trump's Dilemma IZ the so-called "Conditioned Non-Conditionality".  Obama expected to control the Mil, to control Diplomatic Foreign Policy,, but "Internal Conditions" caused him to MUTATE into a Drone Assassin. 

When he DID manage to suffocate Iran and cause them to tap out at the Negotiations Table, along came trump and HIS War Mongers to supplant Diplomacy with North Korean Style Savagery.  I ask again, where is Democracy in relation to Foreign Policy ?  What is the TRUE Nature of World Peace and WHO, exactly, gets to deliver that Definition and Execute its Managerial Operations ?

Just say GO !

If Some One would just tell me what the True Path is toward Universal Peace and Prosperity, and IFF I agreed with it, I could find Peace and NOT be relegated to diatribe and rant.

I'm a MILITANT Idealist, I carry Sword, and my Utopia accepts and supports Martial Arts Integration as PRIMARY FUNCTION  of an Advanced Civilization.  With This as foundation I express my Disapproval of American IMPERIALISM, as it cloaks Capitalist Hegemony as "The White Man's Burden".  I want OUT of Afghanistan, OUT of Yemen, OUT of Iraq, OUT of Syria, and I want a Foreign Policy based upon
DIPLOMACY.   When you read Rosa Brooks' How Everything Became War... you will be shocked to learn that the American Gov sends in its Military to "advise and instruct" the Military and Police of emerging Nations.  The thinking behind such garrulous Viet Nam Atrocity is FEAR based :  "If we DON'T, Russia and China WILL."  Russia and China are doing the EXACT Same Thing we are "doing" in Middle and Southern Africa.  Emerging Nations are RABID for U.S. Monies and Funds as SANCTIONS that VALIDATE their Governments.  Without the Military to fend off War Lords and to secure LAND for Factories and Such, these Developing face YEARS and YEARS of scant resource development and Infrastructure Creep. 

Here's the Problem.  They will accept Money from ANY Body, believing that THEY can avoid the Political and Socio-Economic CORRUTPION that accompanies "Pay to Play"  Influence. 

Can you see Hammer ?  Can you read Anvil ?

Friday, February 1, 2019

"Greetings from Earth".

My guy and HERO, Kurt Vonnegut, has the Great Wall of China as being a Land Tag for Out of Space Travelers  to view from ORBIT.  The Message reads, 
                                           "Greetings from Earth".

Go figure..........

Rock Steady........steady as She goes....


I've got the Imagination Part all figured out.  Now what I need is the Four Year Plan for trump's next Four Years which headlines ;   The Great Wall of Coptic Sino LATIN Americanism.   Trump's gotta rename the Rio Grande and give it over to  The Nile of Neo-NAFTA or The Nile of North America. 

The REAL BIG THING trump's gotta do is LEGALIZE ALL DRUGS, including Mary Jane, Opium, Heroin, and the REST so that we can addict the Wall Laborers and make them DEPENDENT on American Industry.  The Wall Builders will FLOURISH due to Opioid Catastro Fees.  Best thing is, as the Ancient Chinese did, we get to bury the dead ones, INSIDE THE WALL.  Praise GOD Almighty !!!!  The Wall to KEEP OUT the Migrants has them kept INSIDE ! ! !  How Great Wall is THAT ??? !! ? !

Too good --- really ~~~ too Good.

Coptic Sinoism

I've made some effort to imagine a Something that would "make jobs appear out of thin air".  What I "came up with" is Forced Retirement, the One that would open up  ZILLIONS of jobs so that the Youth of American and the World could get work and we could harness their energy while TAXING the shit out of them to pay for our Medical Attentions and Old Age Extravaganzas which would eventually lead ALL of US to "Happily Ever After". 

There remains the question of REAL Reality, the one that asks, What the fuck are we gonna DO with all them Natural Born Migrants ? Where are they gonna work, What job opportunities are available to them, and WHO'S gonna pay to train, educate, shelter and medicalize them ?  Once we DO That,  THEN WHAT ?? !! ? ! ?

I'm figurin' that trump's WALL could be the American Pyramid.  We use Migrants to hand-labor every adobe brick and use THEM to build the WALL / LEVEL PYRAMID and all we gotta do is give them the land to grow their own food and brew their own BEER which we can then TAX to KEEP them as Indentured Servants.

Isn't THAT what China did ?  

Who'd a figured trump is Chinese ?

Who'd-a-guessed that the Chinese were EGYPTIAN ?

"Out To Hunch"

My Guy Fareed Zakaria laments over the "Erosion of the Middle Class" here in America and around the World.  Economic Disparity is signaled as Key to this "Slippage" into the morass of Almost-Poor-But-Not-Yet-Impoverished.  Coupled, almost chained, to Income Inequality is the Migrations From Nothing To EVERYTHING, from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador to America ~~~ from Rumania to Italy ~~~ from Syria to Germany and the Wild, Wild West of the European (Dis) Union.  The Savages and Natives of Indigenous see only Invasion of Foreign Species, Those that would usurp criminal liberality and ravage Existing Resources at the Expense of Nationalistic Well Fare.  Folks are scared fucking SHIT and I find myself among them.

Folks, and I am also among THESE Folks, lose sight of the fact that Migration is ALWAYS Resource based, meaning, as Seasons change, so does the Food Supply, and in order to survive,, a NEW Clime is sought,,, where Game and Vegetation can support whatever size Population is in Need.  Here it is where Migration IS THE NATURAL ORDER of Human Kind.  But in these the Present Times, WORK that PROVIDES the Essentials of Existence is the Ever-Present Scarcity. Here, Work, and the OPPORTUNITY of Work is what DRIVES Folks to LEAVE their Birth Land in an effort to seek-out the Lands of Opportunity, REGARDLESS of the Indigenous Population's lack of stalwart INVITATION.

We can see where Migration MEANS Invasion.

I'm hard-pressed NOT to see it "this way".

Ravaging Sardonicism

In The Most Modern of Ancient and Olden Times, (last year), I woulda-been able to juxtapose the Mid-Country Colder-Than-Antarctica-FREEZE-BLAST with the Political FREEZE of humpty-trump-ty's Wall.  I've written elsewhere that there is dire NEED for a new word that can transcend "IMPOSSIBLE".  I must fend off ravaging sardonicism in order to commit to the Scientific (Undeniable)  Gravity of Climate CATASTROPHE and Criminal, Socio-Political DISASTER.  Yet here I am, and There, both of THEM "are". 

A Wise Guy exclaimed, "There's NO such thing as 'coincidence', it would mean that the Universe is EXTREMELY lazy."

You gotta figure, there's "something to that".

Hallucinatorical Discharge

The Most Recent Debacle has trump DENOUNCING the ENTIRE American Intelligence "Council", ONE of the Most Advanced and Sophisticated Espionage and Counter-Espionage INDUSTRIES the World can technologically offer.  After an inchoate lambasting trump "called in" his Intelligence Officers to continue his now deranged disparagement.  Then, as if in "All of a sudden", trump deludes that he and they ARE ON THE SAME PAGE - - - that They "mis-spoke", that They were,, "mis-quoted", that Their Words and Analysis WAS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT :  but Now, rest assured, EVERYTHING IS HONKY-DORY, All IS WELL and LIFE IS GOOD !!!!

"Bewildering "  can't even approach this level of hallucinatorical discharge.

Stam Peed

You look at Venezuela, that Power Mad MEN ran a Vastly Resourced Nation INTO THE GROUND and you just gotta wonder WHY Media Folks can't seem to draw ANY parallels to trump and America.  American Liberal Elites, themselves REMOVED from Universal Political Suffering, clang and CLATTER for comprehensive Compassion of which I espouse, rather, ONE of my "I's" espouses, and the next thing I know, there is an URGENT Call to impose American Democracy onto a Nation via BRUTE FORCE, yet there is NO Consideration that such Force is Capitalist IMPERIALISM at its Inmost Core. 

Trump and his State Sec, Pompeo, want to send 5,000 Soldiers to Columbia, we have SEEN that Notation, but NO ONE knows WHY COLUMBIA ?   Trump has PROVEN his Senilic Disability when he discharged 5,000 Troops to stop a Human "Slo-Mo" Stampede of Women and Children.  I LOVE that the Stampede ACTUALLY tried to enter through a Location HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY from where the Troops were dispatched.  I love gross and nefarious Incompetence, it thrills me.  Who among us does NOT just LOVE to be THRILLED ?? ! ?

Democratic Despotism

I'm at this again because I can't sleep, rather, the Universe keeps transmitting and my reception of Information prevents ANY chance to simply "Ignore".  You'd think that just because I said I wanted to Save Humankind the Universe woulda-just-sorta winked and let me nod out.  Instead, here I am at 2:54 U.S.A. Eastern Standard Earth Time.  I've been awake since ONE Thirty O'clock listening to an Information Stream that babbles and bubbles with Folk-Law Data.  How can that be ? 

One of my drafts opens with the utmost Hideous Condemnation of America.  I wrote :  Trump is living PROOF, that America is THE MOST Fucked-up Nation on EARTH. !  If America is so goddamned Democracy Perfect, then HOW can such a Perfect Democracy elect a "man" who is CRIMINALLY Insane ?  ~~~ A man who has PROVEN he wants nothing more than Democracy's Destruction AND who has taken EVERY measure to ENSURE that the Filth and Squalor of Democratic DESPOTISM
Permeates every cell of the American Body Politic AND its Mind as well. 

Power is a Drug and America is addicted.