Thursday, January 27, 2022

Torah, Torah, Torah !


          Remember my Origin ::  Jesus went to Tibet to learn Buddha's Teaching as Stewarded by the Lamas.  If it was VITAL for HIM how much >> More So<<  for US !! 

          Recall that the 12 Year Old Jesus was Teaching even the OLDEST Rabbis the Truth of the Torah through Scripture and the Talmud.  It WASN'T ENOUGH !  

          It is IMPERATIVE  to Know and UNDERSTAND that Jesus had 'entered' a MODERN World whose Populations were BARELY 'out of' "Stone Age" Paganism PRIMACY .  His Ministry was DEVOTED to the INSTRUCTIONAL ReOrdering of the 10 Commandments, whose Power was UNABLE to cope with ROMAN Empiric Governance, by SUPPLANTING Them with HIS "Do unto Others..." "Golden Rule" RULE .  Here now the DIRECT MANIFESTATION OF MAHAYANA BUDDHISM the one of TOTAL and COMPLETE UNIVERSAL COMPASSION .  

          "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's' and unto Buddha what is Buddha's. 

Rock Steady........ Steady az She goze.  

I due

           Clearly there is a Consciousness that MUST HAVE been Formed Prior to Execution of Sword Mind and Mind Sword >>> Eventualities.  The Mind Housing that  Consciousness  Must  Be  Trained according to the  Most Lax  and  Most Severe  Principles  of   "Conditioned Non-Conditionality".    Now we have the Requirements of this "Mind to Mind" Transmission >>  they are, "Great Faith, Great COURAGE , and Great Question".  You Recognize Theze of course.  I supplement Thoze with Great Patience and Great PRACTICE .  

          It is IMPERATIVE to note that Before ANYTHING a Decision to CHANGE is the Foundation of Consciousness Expansion .  In short, "Ya gotta Wanna".  

          GENERALLY<<<  The Stronger the Commitment The Stronger, `Longer Lasting` are the Results.  "Half Measures" on the other hand produce "Half-assed" Results that will INEVITABLY Demand EGREGIOUS Manufacture and RE-Manufacture of even the SIMPLEST Drudgeries.   

          "Anything worth doing is worth Doing RIGHT ." Just ask Jesus . 

Drawn Sword Settled Future

           Sickle and Scythe did NOT Kill nor Prevent John Barleycorn's 'Ability' to withstand Death and be Reborn.  To 'Sever Completely' means that the excised CANNOT Return .  There exists within Mind Sword a 'Cauterizing Agent' that fuses the ends of Everything Severed thus preventing its growth and spread.  This 'Cauterizing Agent' does not 'Prevent" the 'Residual Aftereffect' of What-Was-Once-Alive from appearing as conditions may or may not 'warrant'.  This 2ndary Effect has NO Power --there is and can be NO Influence .   

          Know that The Wielding of Sword is for the Purpose of Gaining Result .   Indiscriminate or poorly conceived Effort can and WILL  always   Result in Superior DIS-Advantage .  Once your Sword is Drawn the Future is Settled .  

          So it is that Caution MUST be Applied in order to Secure Ryte Action .  This Caution is Powered by Patience and Perseverance .  Before one 'Draws' Rationality and Highest Order Reasoning should have been advantaged which would then "Settle" one into   Centered  Resolute .   From  this   Position   of   Quiet Resolution  ALL [Combat] Immediacies are Completely Accessible .  

Let there be Fright

          Know that 'father' is SYMBOL for "World View", meaning, that BEFORE we 'arrive at' OUR World View, the WV of our parents MUST 'come under' the most INTENSE Scrutiny where Scrutiny is 'code' for Challenge & Investigation .  The moronic imbecility of "Father Knows Best" is to be supplanted by one's own Discrimination, a Discrimination based upon one's INNER Experience, the Experience of Internal Questioning, Introspection.  Once Discrimination supplies View, Mind Sword is needed to Sever the Bonds that bind us to our Parents' World View.  "Why not simply 'choose' or 'decide' ?"  Here, Emotion makes Commitment either weak or ineffective, or both.  Mind Sword Severs and Severs Completely leaving NO Chance of Further Influence .  The same is NOT 'True' of Choices or Decisions where Conditional Subjectivity allows for CONTINUED access to an Emotion-ality that suspends Truth at the Expense of Rational Exigencies .  

          Wielding Sword is Wielding Truth .  Sword IS Truth .   Believe It.


           Jesus said, "For I have come to set a man against his father..."  Here now the beginning of "Oedipal" Transgressions, the one of Patricide "In The Name Of Love" .  This >This< is none other than 'The-Christ-To-Be' wielding His Mind Sword to SEVER  the 'Bond' between father and son, `so that` there may be NO DISTANCE between the son and his True Father, the Heavenly Father , The Almighty God .  We must View the "set" as a Sword Stroke >>  I have come to SEVER the Earthly Ties of son to father .  To fulfill the "Prophecy", Oedipus slew his own father while ravaging Thoughts of his mother in something of an Emotional clusterfuk of Unconscious Dynamics, not the least of which was Incest .   We must askew, for the time being, all aspects and components of the "...Marry the Mother" Predicate .  Our Focus is the Wielding of Mind Sword to advance the Individual's Growth and Maturation , the Ones that Force 'Self Identity' as DIVORCED from Paternal Aggravations--- It is SPIRITUALLY Detrimental to reside in the 'Shadow' of one's father, to "Follow in his footsteps", at the Profound Expense of  One's SINGULAR Expression .  Growth and Maturation DEPEND upon DIRECT {Son Light} if One is to 'Find' one's 'Own Way' .   

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Oedipus Wrecks


          I completed the Task-next-door.  One 20 foot swamp Maple, 2 GIANT Bittersweets, one 15 foot Choke Cherry and a dry-rotted Cedar ---all the slash burned and only `butt chunks` that need to be mauled.  Someday I'll tell ya the Story BEHIND that ~~~not today.  

          This morning we must advance into the Psycho-Mythological Realm of Mind Sword and ONE of its Mechanical Applications.  We, as in >>I<< , will attempt an initial exploration of 'Territory' that is the `Spiri-Scape` of  "Individuation"  as it relates to (Growth and) Separation from Parental Influence and Culture Socialization .  Here now the Necessity of 'Overthrow' and 'Revolution' not only of Familial Bonds but those of Public Authority as well.


Friday, January 21, 2022



I MUST give you a sequence from The Art of War .  The FIRST PERSON Joe should bring 'on board' is Mitt Romney, that way joe and his can 'work him over' and hit him with so many RIGHTS he'll be BEGGIN' for a Left.  New Cabinet Positions should be made manifest which will be filled by REPUBLIKKANS, that way NO DISPARAGEMENT would or COULD be generated by ANY republiKKKan  Obstructionists  the  Result  of  Which  would  then   GUARANTEE   Socio - Political  `INSULATION` .  

          Next, joe haz-gotta ABANDON the RETARDED NOTION [where 'retarded' is used in its MECHANICAL aspect as TIMING] because joe AIN'T "NO MAN ON TH STREET"... He's the Exact OPPOSITE .   MAYBE he use-ta be "One of Us" "BUT HE AINT NO MORE".  His presence on the Street  is AT BEST  an EGREGIOUS AGGRAVATION, at Worst,, a personal AFFRONT to 'Workin Joes and Workin' Shoshanna's EVERYWHERE who have had their balls busted and pussys CRUSHED as a result of Linear and GROTESQUE   Socio-Political  Malfeasance .  Stay home joe  get Someone Elses .

        Joe should hire MEEEE to Oversee the Department of Ribald Non-sequiturs  of which I am Masterfully Adept .  I'm cheap too .  180K for HALF a Year .

          I would give Joe `the Eric Dickenson`  ---->  "I'm GREAT, you're NOT --PAY ME ".

Rock Steady..........Steady az She goze ... .



The Eric Holder SIN-Drome

          I CREDIT Joe for `GOD-SENDING` all that CASH to Folks in DIRE & DESPERATE Need.  BUT NOT to have foreseen BUSINESS GREED and calling 'IT' "Inflation" is Eco-Political ATROCITY.  Businesses were "cash strapped" during Plague Scourge and were RAVENOUS to recoup LOST REVENUE .  Not only That, the Plague had DECIMATED Critical Supply Lines' Personnel thereby DEBILITATING Goods and Foodstuffs Transport .   Nor should we omit the Industry Workforce that shoulders Cattle Slaughter and Meat Dressing .   Not only were THEY Decimated They were RAVAGED as well.

          It was As If Agoraphobia was Government MANDATE.  Subsequently there was NO steady PURCHASE of Common Goods, Fuel or ANY of the so-called "Open Market" `Commodities`.  Businesses suffered and they Suffered Greatly ALONG WITH THE PEOPLE !!!!!  The "PERFECT STORM" had arrived with PUNISHING ABSOLUTISM .  

          No one in their RIGHT Mind would blame joe.

          I DO.

Status Quo Jo

           Biden stood before our Nation complaining about republiKKKan Obstructionism As If THIS was his FIRST TIME experiencing it .   He was doddering and it INFURIATED me.  A savvy reported scolded him, "Why did you expect ANY Difference from what they gave Obama ?"  Joe started mumbling and fumbling .  "Well there was  this, and then there was That" ...   The Press pressed him .  There wasn't gonna-be ANY Forgiveness and CERTAINLY no Latitude.  Joe had made Promises .

          Joe tried to defend himself.  "Things Change, Times Change, PEOPLE Change"  Geezuz joe NO FUKING SHIT  so WHY HAVEN'T YOU CHANGED ?   Joe whined, "I'm not a Socialist, I'm NOT Bernie Sanders, I'm a Moderate Centralist".  Fuk you joe, "Moderate Centralist" MEANS "Guardian of the Status Quo" ,,,>  Status Quo joe   <,,,  that's what I'M say-n.  

          The hits kept comin'.  "Why haven't you FIRED the assholes that are responsible for EPIC FUKING FAILURES ?"  Joe went straight to "hem and haw".  "They are doing ALL THEY CAN to implement and develop the THINKING necessary to promote Public Welfare".  The Press would have NONE of It where 'IT' sounds and smells like BULLSHIT .  

          Joe promised, "We're-gonna bring in new people that have opposing views to ours so that we may have Dialogue and Exchange (and within THAT Context PERHAPS Solutions will present themselves) .   There was DEFIANT 'open air' SCOFF .  No one believed and no one WANTED to Believe.

Aggravated Sleep Defilement


           I awoke from aggravated sleep defilement, yesterday's Politics grinding away what little remained of nerve coverings .  There would be no return to sleep .  Sentences began forming.  I tried to dismiss them.

          There must have been some form of Wish that had positioned itself inside Sub-Conscious --- some invisible SOMETHING  that REEKED of the fetid stench of hope----  I knew better----I also KNOW that Miracles Happen .  

Monday, January 17, 2022

After Swoon De-Light


          It iz IMPERATIVE to Note that Matt traverses the Unknown (to get to the Unknown) by the Vehicle UV THE BROTHERHOOD .  Almost most uv Us KNOW that Chevy (in line) 6's DO NOT QUIT .  Matt iz SURROUNDED by Brotherhood Edification and brings his Brotherhood WITH HIM to Meet and Marry the Queen Goddess uv Mystical Union .   

          That's az far az I can go this morning .

Rock Steady........Steady as She goze....


The Her in Phere

           Remember whatz 'at stake' here.  SUPER-mini is Offering Matt nothing shrt of Paradise, but this Paradise iz {uv} HER World.  She haz NOTHING to lose should the Marriage result in Failure and/or Dissolution.   Matt haz EVERYTHING to Looze, specifically his BROTHERHOOD >>> a Brotherhood that iz TOTALLY and COMPLETELY DEVOTED TO HIM .  This THIS iz az close to LOVE that Matt can 'get'.  It iz MATERNAL in Nature in that the Brotherhoodz Love iz UNCONDITIONAL .   Their Devotion to him iz ALL that he thinks he needs .  Should he attempt Unification with the Idealized Female he may FORFEIT the Very GRAVITY he needs to remain in the day-to-day SANITY uv Proletariat Dis- Compunction .   

          Plus --- Heez  "Scared Shitless".   

          Fear                                  duz that.

                   [uv the Unknown]

Sob Riot-y

           We KNOW that Matt iz FILLED with Dis-Trust, Mis-Trust and Mal-Trust uv Mini and her (what he views az her) obsequious Intentions to Penetrate Matt's Fortifications and Release a Pure Love she FEELS iz at his True Core.  Matt haz pressed her (up) against the Wall (Literally = 'her back iz against the Wall') where she IMPLORES him to say "I dont love you".   Know that ALL the Negatives Matt Contains are those of the "Terrible Mother" a Mother whose Presence-az-Protector wuz NEVER manifested on Matt's behalf.  Due to his Confinement-Resulting-In-Repression, Matt can NOT Trust, where Trust is Code for LOVE .   Helpless, Mini begins to sob .

Mattipus Rex

          We must ask, "Where iz Will's MOTHER ?" in respect to his WTF `Problamation`.  The ONLY Female in Ben and Matt's Chaos `Pageantry`  iz `Mini`,  a Fund-Endowed Altruist whom we MUST 'figure' iz on her way to some sort of Doctor `Stewardship` ---> the Wonder of Bodhisattva Altruism.  She's using her Endowment to Benefit VAST Others.  Ben and Matt make CERTAIN to position her as ANCHOR to not only an ACADEMIC Realm but az THE "Relationship" Expediter.  Care MUST be Taken to admit Mini into Maternal Exclusivity, meaning, it MAY appear that she is 'just' a `kitten on the Prowl` however the UnConscious Evidence CLEARLY indicates MATERNAL Influence.  Ben and Matt reveal NOTHING about Matt's 'Mom' and her Radical Invisibility INVOLVES Mini az Surrogate `Appendage`.  
          Here, "Finding" one's Self  INCLUDES Mental LIBERATION.  This Liberation manifests in the Excision of Paternal Power and the `Unifaction` of Feminine Authority.  Some of you will see the "Oedipal Complex" at 'Work', I az well.  Robin's Psychology iz wielded az  Weapon to Advantage Oedipal Objectives.  Matt's Father MUST BE Confronted AZ WELL AZ HIS 'RELATIONSHIP' TO FEMALE AGGRANDIZMENT .  Here now Matt az Oedipus, he MUST 'KILL' his father and MARRY his Mother IFF he iz to find his self AND be Liberated from Paternal Consumption.  

The WTF uv WTF


          By now you have recognized the (almost) Biblical Value of "Good Will Hunting".  Although Affleck and Damon have gone "Site Specific" it remains that their Story reaches 'Depth Psychology' Universality sometimes due to Brilliant Acting that depicts Punishing Excruciation and sometimes due to IMMEDIATE Sensation az experienced, for instance, in the Apple-Bar Scene described Elsewhere.  Here, each word 'hits' the rite note, phrazes 'strike' the rite chord and a `Real-Tyme [Audio-Visual] Harmonic`  'rings' az 'True'.  

          This `Truth-uv-shared-Experience` draws the Viewer INTO Matt's World DESPITE his seemingly OTHER WORLDLY Identity whereby his Genius MAKES him "A Stranger in a Strange Land" ---> Foreign to only a mini-cozmo-scopic Few.  We KNOW that Matt haz Issue with this Strange Land in the "Why-not-kill-my-own-Buddy" Scene ~~~ the one where the DOD Interviews him with Recruit-mental Agenda.  Matt delivers a Shakespearian Soliloquy that is EQUAL to ANY `off the plume` of Mighty Will .  Matt's DISDAIN of Weaponized Math only ADDZ to an Overall Intra-Personal CHAOS upon which his Vocational Life iz positioned.  

         He duznt know Who He Iz ---of what USE iz his >>>Gift<<< and the WTF of WTF !

         Here now, Matt enjoins us to Accept HIS Chaos az UNIVERSAL WTF, which we do with Compassion AND Commiseration .   Here it iz where we Recognize OUR 'Plight' az HIS.

          Az far az BRILLIANT SCRIPT goze, "It dont get no better".


Sunday, January 16, 2022

Total ReCall


          I must IMPLORE Uze Gyze to begin assimilating the Cozmic TRUTH that Each Individual CONTAINS the TOTALITY Uv the {YOU-Ni-Verse}.  This THIS is COZMIC ABSOLUTE.   Believe It.

          I wood make Profane the "Spirit of Christ Iz Within You" az well as "We are all Buddhas".   Can we then conclude "The  Spirit  of  Good  Will  iz  Inside  You" ?    What about "The Spirit uv Minni" ?  Duz SHE 'dwell' inside Each and Every One of Us ?????  

          I can Hear You  "What iz the NATURE uv the Universe " ?

           Here now THE BEST  

           "The Nature of the Universe iz Created by Mind alone" .

Rock Steady........ Steady az She Goze... .


The Matt in Matthematics

           We must hold in abeyance the Volcanic Registers "YEAH BUT MATT HAZ GOD-GIVEN SUPER-POWERS and SUPER-mini INHERITED ALL HER MONEY" .    Yeah Kidz  --- BUT ... .

          Remember that the End of the Film showz us Matt on his way to Mini that the Viewer Understand that the Whole DEAL `wuz about` "Girl meets Boy" the UNIFICATION of Soul-to-Soul Mortgages, and az we see Matt "Heading off into the Sunset",, the Fairy Tale Composite uv "And they both lived Happily Ever After".  Corny, Syrupy and Suffocatingly EGREGIOUS, but set to the Tune of "After Noon Delight" its Display iz iconographically DELICIOUS .  

          We MUST set aside the Unification of Male and Female because Matt and Ben identified Matt as MATHEMATICAL Wizard with SUPER-UN-NATURAL Abilities.  They did NOT introduce him az slavish hedonist whose only Biblical Agenda wuz "to go forth and Multiply" --az Mathematician he haz-ta go forth and MULTIPLY.  (I mean even "I" must GAG on that One.)  

        Matt and Ben set into the Ground-Uv-Understanding these Poles of Counter-Intuitives to "field" the Dynamics uv Matt's Growth and Maturation with regard to 'Vocation' FIRST and Matrimony secondarily.  



Matt Man and Robin

           Let's begin rite at the Conclusion : .   We must Return to the Universal of "Good Will Hunting" in order to 'Frame' this morning's `Discussion` .  

           On the Verge of Argument iz where we find Matt and Robin going at 'IT' "toe-to-toe" in a Combat `Octagon` of Rhetorical Axioms .  Matt swings Indignity at Robin's Goad to 'open' Matt's Mind to Celestial Possibilities, those of the Grandeur and ACCOMPLISHMENT that only I.Q.  APPLICATION can Generate.  Matt's repeated Response iz a Valuation of EARTHLY 'Technologies' which include those of Mechanics,, and for Robin, Masonry.  Robin `goze` "Yeah Yeah those Occupations contain HONOR but YOU can CONTRIBUTE so much MORE to the General (Earth bound) Population and thereby ADVANCE Humankind along EVOLUTIONARY 'Rails'.  (Here now the Hero's 'Call to Greatness'.)

        Matt aint 'Buy-n it'  He turns his head away in abject disgust.



           "Barney" the Purple `Plushasaurus` sed 'It' for ALL of Us  "Clean up Clean up Everybody Everywhere --Clean up Clean up EVERYBODY DO YOUR SHARE ".   

          I `kant-stand` Barney , his kind of "Up With People" Optimism iz   MYYY   `Opti-MISERY`.  

          Here's the Deal with Barney, if HE `gets` Kidz to      'Pick-up' 'AFTER themselves'      and to do so with "Whistle While You Work" `fervor` than "IT" ---> the Wholesale Clean Up OPERATION of Path and Roadway <---  MAY be Model for Exemplary Clearing Activity.   2 Words ==  ATTITUDE !

          Attitude Pre-Supposes Commitment.  Once One is Committed to Chanjje the RYTE Attitude is DEMANDED by "Prevailing Conditions".  Preparing one's ego-self for a day of Land Clearing is NOT the preparation for [the] jaunt and fancy of Beach Day Felicity .  

          Chanjje your Mind --  Chanjje your Attitude --  Chanjje your World .

Dyno Sore


          Generating what I have tagged a 'Guilt Free Reality' DEMANDS [that] (Ego Inflicted) Lies, Deceits , and Deceptions anchor a Consciousness that is bound to Ego Gratification, Ego Indulgence and UnRelenting Ego Affirmation.  Here it iz where the [Demands-uv-the] Ego duz NOT 'Serve' the Collective Conscious but rather undermines {under Minds} the Ego-Self Alliance of DEPENDENT Intramural CO-OPERATION .   Having ONLY Ego Indulgence as Orientation AND Trajectory GUARANTEES  `WAYWARD` >>> ANTI-DEMOCRATIC <<<  [Socio-Political] Exigencies .   

         ANY "Path" toward Collective Conscious REPAIR {RE >>  PAIR}  MUST-BE Cleared of those Obstructions that were CARE-LESS-LY discarded by INDIVIDUAL Delusion, Sloth, Arrogance and Gluttony.  

         [... ]  So now the Problem iz {`I'-Dentified} and the Solution made Apparent {A Parent}.   It is incumbent upon the INDIVIDUAL to POLICE his/her Area of Trespass and Violation thereby REMOVING the Discharge and Debris of [Ego Inflicted] Plenary Indulgence .

          I can hear your Hollars uv dismay  "E-Z er SAID than DUN".  

           I know ----------------I know .....

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Earth M{OTHER}


          I must Save Neumann's Results for a more Pristine Tyme.  I've used my allotment of Fuel, my flanks ache and i NEED to Return to Thought Wall Excruciation.  

           Know this however, Neumann deployed the `Abstract Concrete` of Separation of "Spirit" from Humankind in order to Explain the Contemporary DIS-EASE of  Mysogonistic Despotism.  His Exploration into the True Nature of Spirit iz-gonna require PATIENCE and SKILL.  It IZNT As If Mankind wuz VICTIM of EVIL Forces---according to Neumann, to advance the THINKING that a God is Responsible for ANY and ALL Mal-fortunes is to allow the Individual UTTER Disavowal of his or her `Creations` where Creations iz Code for  Engagements.  Here it iz where, "That's not MY Fault" and "That's not MYY Job" manifest Disavowal thereby generating a Guilt Free Reality .  Also, Neumann advances the Teaching that the Earth Mother IZ the Source of All Suffering az well az ALL JOY.  In order to find Harmony Modern Man haz CHOZEN to Free it's Self from the SPIRIT of Earth Mother `Centralization`.   Gone with the Earth Mother are Her Virtues of Compassion and Sanctity.

           "....and so it is they suffered, and they Suffered Greatly....."  

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

Buddy Kold Ice Sentinel

           If Buddy Kold is given you the warm shoulder well then ya gotta figure hez fuhked and so are you.

          It may not be advisable to begin NAMING my Labor Saving Appliances---in a recent broadcast of NCIS Pauli Pirrette had named her TEETH.  Stupidd .  Guess what ?   Go ahead.................Guess .

          Genius is `pricey`..... .

          In Tyme Ago are drafts of "Imagination".  Within these drafts r various contexts for itz Use and in myy instance AB-USE.   I'd had to find "Pillars" that would Equal the "Pillars of Buddhism" [The Buddha, The Dharma ,, and The Sangha] and `icon` {i con} those to suit The Pillars of Zen which I WANT  to be Those of Zen Master Seung Sahn  [Great Faith ,  Great Courage ,, and Great Question] .  Instead my Imagination  generated startling clarity about the NATURE of said Pillars, their Origin and Function ,, as well as THEIR Identity.  It wuz de-settle-ing   i wuz flailing around so i wouldn't drown.   

          The above explains the Thought Boards and Scattered Scribblings.   

          "What about the Boy ?     What about the boy_________ ??"

Ships a-Neumann

           When i finished emptying Buddy Cold to make him MORE Empty, i settled into Chairy-Chair and began to finish Erich Neumann's  (pronounced NOY menn az in aHOY) Essays on Feminine Psychology.  I had to put it down after,,  in mid-Analysis uv Mozart's  The Magic Flute ,, i had lost touch with the Whole of it.  Now, it wuz EZ to finish it and to start & finnish "Meaning Of The Earth Mother Archetype".  

          Just so you know ===  Neumann iz a BIIIG SUPERBRAIN.  He Authored The Origin and History of Consciousness and the [Galaxy Shattering] The Great Mother .

           Neumann `works` you over...   and over.......  and Over.  

          He a Student of Dr. C.G. Jung so his Lucidity iz Dependent upon YOUR knowledge of the Great Doctor's WORKS.  I devoted at LEAST 10 Years to Jung---I have read and OWN (what i want to be) his Entire Shelf.  Thing iz where the Good Doctor utilized his Studys of Alchemy to advance his Teaching,, Neumann utilizes MYTH .   You can See WHY i Gravitate toward his    `Apprehension`.   If i cood, i would use his Writing Style . 

          The Conclusions at the close of ....Earth Mother ... left me in a diatomeceous flush.  I wuz ECSTATIC to read that HIS Understanding uv Sensory Bombardment Resulting in Paralyzing COGNITIVE BlindNess wuz SIMILAR to my own.  I even tagged the Margin, "i wuz RYTE".  Heartening, like,, for sure,,, INSPIRATIONAL ,,, like   definitely .  

The shit kick-n shit shovel-er

           Ya know how we say, "I'm 'on-it' " to indicate engagement ?  Well i wuz choking on my own "on-it".  I wuz SUPPOZE to be 'Writing' --- all 3 Boards were filled and edited, plus i had Pages of unfiltered Material lying {lie-ing} around .......I couldn't [get it up] onto  the  Screen  THAT  was  the  Aggravation ,, where Aggravation is defined s BURDEN.  (It aint good for a guy not to be able to 'get it up`) .  

           Sum-Tymz i gotta shovel shit.  It aint that i mind,, it's just that it iz NOT the `Creation` that's found in RE-Creation  >> which wuz awaiting me with lead-tipped Whip and barbed-wire Chain.  Ryting just reg'lar shit can be an experience of Tedium, in that, its execution duz NOT enter paradisiacal Delirium a Place i'd rather be, mainly bc THAT'S where all the potential Wisdom Resides, chek that, where i WANT it to Reside.  I mean it this way :   You can 'do' Sword or you can DO Sword.  One iz Exercize /  the other a Spiritual Endeavor that may Result in Wisdom Acquisition.  

          Buddy Cold wuz NOT "delivering the goods".  ....and so i sat Heat Gun in hand waiting for the Future.

Thought ---> {Thaw t} ---> {Th Ought}


          I hair-dried the glacier that had `evolved` in the downstairs freezer,  it took around an hour and a half.  I sat in the Stupor required, making adjustments az the  BIIG THAW demanded.  Ice to water, Solvency to Insolvency......   Solvency evolved into PROBLEM,  Solvency 'took up' Valuable Space ---> not that Insolvency wuz ANY better.... Insolvency was just as 'damaging' but just in another `way`.  

          I was relieved to spend the tyme with Freezer-Buddy Cold >>  Guardian of Ice,,, a WEAPON against Cost-of-Living Expense.  The Freezer iz SYMBOL of Commitment to Savings.  Here products can be purchased at "Sale" prices, Savings resulting and Frugality exercized.  

          In my Ministry I MUST 'Teach' that Every -day Tasks are to be associated (at Best) with Rituals and (at Worst) Miracles.  I BELIEVE my own shit, I can smell it a FUKING Mile away.  'It' duz NOT absolve me from the Sin of [feeling] AGGRAVATION.  How can a fuking Miracle be Aggravating ?    Good question.....


Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Warrior Priestess

           At the Close of  `Sumtymewhenever` the Buddha began the "2nd Turning of the Wheel of Dharma".  It MAY be stated that the 'end' of the "First Turning" acted as Death, and the Initiation of the Mahayana can be extruded az Birth.  {Death gives Birth to LIFE}.   So it MAY be that Jesus's 2nd Turning SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE REGISTER OF GENDER EQUALITY.  Mi Mission (and yes i have accepted it) iz to Announce an INTERPRETATION of the Secret Teaching az it wuz Issued and Received by the  Warrior Priestess    Mary Magdalene .

          Open Your Minds, Your Hearts Your Bodies and Your Souls so that the Holy Spirit (Herself FEMALE) may Enter and Generate Vibratory Resonance with the Universal Absolute.   Soon, you will read me `tell` of Jesus's DEVOTION to the Feminine ALL-MIGHTY as found in The Lost Years and the various Gnostic Traditions .  Here it iz where Ancient Zen has Opulence and Sanctuary.

Rock Steady..........Steady az She goez....


T Ruth

           How many times have we heard "Democracy is Fragile ?" .   Each tyme my ear canals fill with blood.   This Expression DENIES "Woman POWER" by its very Utterance.  These words SIGNIFY the Clarion Call of "Damsel in Distress !!"  and therefore PROMOTE Power Degeneracy ---the RELEGATION of MATERNAL Sovereignty to nothing more than {Jurisprudential}  Insolvency.  

          Truth Kills.  Truth as Men.    Men Kill.


"In Woman We Trust"

           Americans live beneath the Psychological Constellation of FEMALE Deities.  Miss America, Miss Liberty, Miss Democracy (I luv this next) Miss Justice -----ALL of Whom have been De-Flowered (De Powered) by MALE Complications which MANifest az  OBSCURATIONS az {well}.  The Star Light of Feminine Illumination has been monstrously dim-man-ished because of MALE Oriented God-ship, the One of God az {MASK YOU LINE}  Authority.   Know  that Female Illumination Intends the so-called "shed" of Light onto Socio-PSYCHOLOGICAL Territories --- those of COMPASSION, EMPATHY and Political Divinity the One of MATERNAL `Sociopathy`----(re-defined as) the Inherent GOODNESS of Female SUCCOR----that which Can provide the so-called "Cradle to Grave" UNCONDITIONAL CARE. 

          You can See it ryte ?   There IZ NO FEMALE POLITICAL DIVINITY that can PENETRATE the Fortress of Status Quo Masculinity.    Democracy az Feminine AGENCY haz been NEUTRALIZED by the  rabid  INDUSTRIAL  Mechanization   and  Territorial WEAPONIZATION  of  Covert  [Old Testament] MISOGYNY .   

           Let's address the Tyme.   Let's see OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS of MASCULINE DEBAUCHERY  versus  the 'Modern'  Suffragette Composite.  

          Let's post the Score :     Godmen   2,000      Femgodz    10.

Seek Rats

           I Viewed "Arrival" yesterday to get reinforcement on a 'Vision' I had concerning Language as 'adaptive Agency'.  Here, as the Writer of "Arrival" Expressed, Language both 'Filters' and MANIPULATES Thinking.  Indeed, it MAY be appropriate to bastardize, "We ACT according to the way we TALK"  where 'Talk' is the Result of Conscious (Integral) Thought Production and UNCONSCIOUS Thinking.   

          I confess to the Sin of MISSING THE FUCKING OBVIOUS.  It is IMPERATIVE for Readers and Viewers, to fully Appreciate the Archetypal MAGNITUDE of  a WOMAN, who,, ON BEHALF OF THE ENTIRE PLANET,,, Generates the Energy to Penetrate the Mysteries of Heptopod Communication.  Indeed, there is that Scene in which She is "Taken Up Into The Heptopod Heaven" where she COMMUNES with Heptopod Nobility that she may Understand their Will and Intent.    Here now "Woman as World", the APEX of Earthly FEMININE Intrigue which GUARANTEES Proximal if not INFINITE Authority.  

          The Woman's ABILITY to RECEIVE Heaven Sent Sanction iz parallel to that of St Mary Magdalene who wuz the ONLY "Disciple" to RECEIVE THE SECRET TEACHING.  

           "Women Rule--------Men drool."

"...and so shall the Dead, bury their own..."

           I may have-to assign myself Status as a member of the Vulgars, a non-existent Tribe of Intellectual Barbarians and Sword Wielding Wisdom Worshipers who antagonized the Roman Status Quo with LETHAL Ferocity.  

          If you take the v-u-l out of vulgar and place it before the v-a in vulva you you get a drench of Victorian Moralic Indecency.  The Sacred becomes the Profane.  It's Perversional at BEST, at Worst demonstrably Ludicrous.  Some Scholars would Argue, I am among them, that The Sanctity of Women RESIDES in Their Glorious Physicality AND Their Generative Creativity.   There iz a Cozmic Absolute =  Women ARE 'The Future'.  The Stubborn-Ness of MALE Ego-ridden Arrogance which claims Authority OVER the Divine Feminine  MUST-BE Viewed as nothing short of  "Dead Reckoning".   


Friday, January 7, 2022


           So Often we find ourselves not just beneath "The Sword of Damocles" but rather pilloried beneath GUILLOTINE Immediacy.   It is As If the Universe haz reasserted INQUISITION Orthodoxy that we may Relent and Confess Sins-Against-the-Almighty, not just the so-called Father,,  but the MOTHER as well.  I find the NATURE of these 'sins' obsequiously Alluring.

          Trust me, Im  no FAN of 'Atoning' for my Sins REGARDLESS of the Deity  Offended.  I have good days and BAD as do ALL of Us.  But as Far az I go, I REALLY don't wanna admit to ANY Personal Responsibility, like, ATT ALL.  Far more Convenient iz the THRILLING `Spin` of Lies, Deceits and DeCeptions.  Plus, yaknow, I LIKE it.

           I can FILLUP with Smirks and    GARGANTUAN   tynez which mold into   Secrets.  

            Secrets bear the WEIGHT of Mystery and Magic.  Some would argue, I am one, that Secrets ARE 'The Magic'.  Have they not their own Influence ?  Indeed, Yes.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

"D" Rugs {Rugs az Magic Carpets}


           I've never spent three hours {ryting} Tweets.  I confess to ibuprofen and acetaminophen as trusted agents of Relief ,,,  Relief which also included a couple of 'gummy bears' from the Couple-Across-The-Street-And- Down-A-Couple-Of-Houses.   THC acts as a Lubricant, it coats the Conduit to ease the Reception of Transmission.  I am loathe to ryte 'Stoned' because I get exceedingly uncomfortable and my Internal Editors rather enjoy the Freak produced by unabashed self-indulgence.  Please forgive an old man. 

          The Thought Wall got filled.   I sat in Chairy-Chair in a Stupor of Wonder & Delight ALMOST Unforgivable because Insight is SUPPOZE-TA "come" at a SERIOUS Cost.   I paid no such Price yesterday and the EEZ at which the Wall was filled wuz edifying to say the least, and FUCKING COZMIC to say the Most.   There are {Tymz} when"Just Sitting" is an `Adventure` of Bodhidharmic Magnitude---He himself seated "Before The Wall" for some NINE (fucking) YEARS.  Here now Patience receives ampLITUDE from Forbearance and Fortitude {Fortin-Tude} to 'produce' Satisfactory Clarity.  Clarity 'means' that there are no Obstructions in the Conduit that would deflect, hinder or modify the Code being Received.  

           Of particular Interest --->  `The Myth lends POWER to the Idiot Obvious`.

            Conduit   {Con Do It}   {Can Do It} .

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Voice of Forever

           There's this 10th Century Cleric who operaters uzing William Langland.  He rote Piers the Ploughman [PLOWMAN].  His work is ratsy-assy--Medieval Allegory gone the way of  Alice In Wonderland `Symposium `.  He has a pet phraze that will tear fresh flesh off your brain bone -- it is  "The Patient Conquer".  Get use to `Aint nothin' for Nothin' ` and call me Piers.

          Commitment  {EYE-Dentifies}  az CONSECRATION .  Once you Commit to Your Self  "Finding Your VOICE" must-be actualized with the greatest Haste.   Your Voice IZ GOD'S VOICE !  

Rock Steady.........Steady as She goes....



Holy Hole Me Hold Me

 Master Lynn Picknett quotes from `The Teaching of Elaine Pagels` ,  

                       Orthodox Jew and Christians insist that a chasm separates humanity from its creator :   God is wholly other.  But some of the Gnostics....contradict this : :  'Self Knowledge is the Knowledge of God ;   THE SELF AND THE DIVINE ARE IDENTICAL' .

          I have long considered Gnosticism as the ZEN of Ancient Christianity.  Now   that 'it'   has become  Church Doctrine.  

          So we MUST ask  `What is the FUNCTION of the Holy Spirit {Whom} Resides in our Temple WTF does She DO ??? WHY IS SHE THERE ????

          The "Father in Heaven"  Relies upon the Holy Spirit to Consecrate the Souls of Potentials that they may be WORTHY to Receive the Teaching of the Divine Infinite in whatever Form the Potential can Receive.  The Holy Spirit ACTS to PREPARE the Potential's Soul .   Know this :  there can be no Conversion without FIRST a `Visitation` of {and from} the Holy Spirit.  

          Here it iz where Duty INVOLVES Transmitting the Truth {of One's Teaching} WITH PROSELYTIZING AGENCY that of the Holy Spirit. 






Saint {P-ALL }

           From the Teaching of Saint Paul =  One Corinthians   6:19

Do you not know that your body is a  temple of the Holy Spirit within you,  which you  have  from  God  ?  YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN,  YOU  WERE   BOUGHT   WITH   A   PRICE.....


          Recall :   "Aint no such thing as a Free Lunch" and "Nothin' is for Nothin" ?   Well, here you go.

          Un Mercifully that "Price" was passed along to US.  We must Pay the RENT for the Holy Spirit to Reside in our own Temple.   Here now the Cost is ransomed as DUTY, as in "Duty to One's Self".  Here now the Extravagance ---->   Duty to One's Self   IZ   Duty to One's NATION.   Do not shirk from this.






Al Eye


          I've determined I must {altar} my {ryting} so that the 'type' can indicate which {Stephen} iz at work operating the Pen.  I know it will be BLATANTLY disconcerting to my Gentle Readers.  I see no other course.

          A LARGE portion of this morning's bitter-mint is that I gotta ryte about ~Residing In Beauty~  I don't FEEL Beautiful, yesterday's workout has rendered me HOSTILE and AGGRESSIVE.  I NEED to `Weaponize Beauty` to call upon HER to Switch-Blade into Artemis, the "Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, Competitor, and Sister"  [ According to Dr. Jean Shinoda] .  In several Realms the 'Hunt' manifests as  `The HUNT for Truth`.  

          Know that Beauty is an ALLY .  

           I NEED all the Help I can get.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Hart to Heart Sole to Soul

           Here now the Question of Universal Exigency ---->  "Whadiya gonna BEEE when you grow up ?"  surfaces with Nuclear Attack Urgency.   Here it iz where "How the fuck should I know ?"  iz EQUAL to, "I wanna be a Fire-Wielding Quantum Mechanic".   Here now must be 'held' the Location of `REALM` as Commonality . Here it is where Specificity must NOT be Cherished as {SOUL} Arbiter of Guarantee, but Rather as POSSIBILITY .  

          What iz Vital to [Existential] Condition is One's Presence in this Realm since this Presence iz Manifested in the Real World az  `Being`.   Now    there can be no Loss of Dignity simply because "Don't Know" iz Registered az "I" Dentity.   Both Master Fortin's Kwan Un Do Kwang and my Kwantum Sword advantages the Teaching of Zen Master Seung Sahn because IT iz the Foundation of Cozmic Orientation and Master Fortin would argue that "Don't Know" OPERATES in the Realm of the Unknown az Tether To Reality, or so I would have him proffer.    

          It is One's Conduct {Behavior} that Teaches Others of the True Nature of One's Own Self, thereby establishing Earthly Connectivity to Others THROUGH the Current of One's Energies. 


           The Blind Poet, Homer,,  >tendered<  a Punishing Duality : the "Long Life of Mediocrity" or the "Short Life of Glory".   The Former MAY result in a Life whose only Proof of Attainment may be marked by a Gravestone, while the Latter finds Fulfillment in a Brief ExPLOSION that GUARANTEES Societal Recognition and its subsequent Celebrity GRANDIOSITY .  

          The Ancient Chinese offered the "Life of the Sage" {as if } to complete the Hegelian Model, "Thesis,  Antithesis,,   ---->   Synthesis.   Whether or not We can render `Satisfaction` from Hegel  is Dependent upon the Inclusion or X-Clusion of the Universal Laws of Karma.   Here, at Its BLINDING MAGNIFICENCE iz This Majestic Beauty   =    "All Things Through Karma"  where the Word 'through' signifies 'Are the Results of ' .  Here now an  *All Pervasive*    Karma "Rules" Chanjje as its Agency of Force.     It is Karma that iz   "The Unmoved Mover"   of Universal Energies.  

           Be Advised,    The Laws of Karma are Immutable and Granite-like.  


           "Welcome to your Life, there's no turning back."   The Teaching of "Tears For Fears" supplies Us with a Welcome Warning for Strictest Resolve.  From the 1st Step into the Decision to {Chanjje}  One must not fail to FULLY Grasp the ENORMITY of  LIFELONG COMMITMENT .  The Church of One's Self Relies on the Ancient Delphic Oracle which Pronounced,  "Know Thyself, Nothing Too Much" which means {Street Wise} You can NEVER "Know Your Self"  ---> TOO Much.  `Devotion to One's Self is a LIFELONG Endeavor Requiring the Agency of Internal Inspiration to sustain the Resolve Necessary for the Growth and Maturation that MUST Result in Liberation.   

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Teach T Each {To Each}

           Here's iz my Orientation.   The Ancient Chinese Believed --->   "The Foundation of the Empire IS THE INDIVIDUAL".   Wasn't it Herr Hermann Hesse who orphaned, "The Society Rests Upon it Artists and its Criminals".  If I am to  "Practice What I Preach" then it is {Silent Mandate} to EXECUTE those Practices with unmitigated Ferocity as though a staving Tigress ravaging for food for her {cubs}.  

          If I can {{{ ALTAR}}} the so-called Modernist by advancing The TEACHING , I can then Promote Chanjje FOR THE BETTER, where Better is code for {Better-Meant}.

          There's NO QUESTION that my seemingly NOBLE Altruism contains rather a GREAT Deal of Samurai Arrogance, Kung Fu Misanthropy and Ambition-Ridden Pestilence.  

          I gotta tell-ya ---->   I'm `good` with that.  


           My INTENTION is to   >DEEPEN Your Spirituality< .    I stole this Phrase from Gray in his Men Are From Mars, Women Are From {Hell}.   He set this GOAL for Couples, that they may stay ORIENTED to the Sacrament that is SUPPOSE-TA-BE Sacred, the Religious Intimacy of Marriage-Like [Universal] Clime.  Here 'Religion' is Code for Devotion(al).   Your Church MUST prenominate Devotion to One's Self' as THE 'Defining Aspect [Condition] of Your Teaching since IT IZ YOUR ESSENCE MANIFESTED IN REALITY .  

          Remember what it is we are trying to Execute ------> The Immediate and DIRECT Transformation from 'Earthly Habituation' to 'Celestial Reformation'.  Here it is where "Change" is not only a Universal  "ABSOLUTE"   Change    IZ THE MECHANISM {Vehicle} for "ITS" Delivery.  

          You CAN'T See this One Kidz Ya gotta FEEL it {As Truth}.  It ezest if your perceive Change to be the feelings of being transported as if you were a passenger in a car.   


In God We MUST

          One must not believe that the Acquisition of God-Hood entitles one to a "sit back" and watch the "World Go Round" as a PASSIVE Observer of SOMEONE ELSE'S REALITY.   Academics and Scientists of Psychology agree that  Since "We act according to the WAY we See things" so it must be [that] [it is necessary to] Create One's Own 'Perceptual Reality' ".   Here now "Duty To One's Self" becomes Highest Order Imperative.  My Church, the Church of One's Self, will Serve the 'Duty' found in The Analects of Confucius and  the True Nature of the "Superior Man" as described in the I Ching (Book of Changes).   Here it is where Conduct, Deportment, Gait & Carriage will be Presented as APPROPRIATE Attributes {at tributes} of a TRUE Man and TRUE Woman.  



Saturday, January 1, 2022

Beauty = { BE YOU (to a)T }

           There are 2 {Process Mechanisms} that You  MUST NEVER  Abandon.  The First is to `Always and Everywhere Keep "Don't Know Mind" ` and the 2nd is ,, "The Teaching is All Around".  

          "Don't Know Mind" is Taught by the Late Zen Master Seung Sahn and is the ESSENCE of Chogye Order Zen.  In the Same  Way that "All Things From Karma" so it is `All Things From "Don't Know".

          From MYYY Church I Homily this  =  Do Your ABSOLUTE BEST to Try and Reside in BEAUTY  but whatever You do Try NOT to mistake Luxury for Beauty.  As Master Fortin would intone, "You aint THERE yet."

Rock Steady........Steady as She Goes....



Miss Lead

           So now when Uze Gyze look into the Mirror make CERTAIN You 'Tell' Your SELF,  "This is the Face of GOD".    Don't shudder and DO NOT Complain.  Jesus provoked, "The Spirit of God is WITHIN YOU' {within your SELF}.   

          Those of Us who Suffer as a Result of Parental Ignominy can now Find (and Justify) Self Worth as DIVINELY  Imbued.  No Longer must we flounder in the cesspools of Shame, Guilt and Less-Than in a Near Death-by-Drowning Cacophony.   Recall that {hole} "Majesty of Being" Crap I forced you to chew and SWALLOW ??  Well HERE IT IZ ---> Every Morning to {PEER}  Into Your Face AZ the Face of God AND to {PEER} as in to Understand the Infinite All-Mighy az EQUAL

          The Teaching of Zen Master Ludwig Feuerbach has "It" this way ----->

                                                             "God did NOT Create Man

                                                                 MAN Created God."

          Do NOT be misled.  All Master Feuerbach has Simple RETURNED God-Like {Universal} Power TO THE INDIVIDUAL thereby FORCING the Individual TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR ANY AND ALL TRANSACTIONS.   "Far out Man", doesn't even APPROACH the {X Clamation} Needed. make Zence...

           Zen is = = = =

                                                       "A Special Transmission Outside the Scriptures

                                                           No Dependence on Words or Letters

                                                               DIRECT Pointing to MIND

                                  SEEING INTO ONE'S SELF and the Attainment of Buddhahood"

          From these Four I will Scalpel-out (micro-Sword) the Last.

           I MUST Direct Your Attention to "Seeing Into One's Self" OBVIOUSLY because I have 'Made' It THE CHURCH.  But be Apprised {a Prize-d} that there is the so-called"Double -Entendre", that's the One of 'double' tw o Meanings.  Here it is CRITICALLY IMPERATIVE to Apprehend that,  according to MYY Teaching, the Universe HAZ A SELF.  This Universe is ONE "Self".  [Phuck if that aint the cat's pajamiz].   Seeing Into One's Self is seeing into Universal ONENESS.  We are AT ONE with (and Through) the Universe.

        Chuang Tsu Delivers His Teaching =

                                                    "What is the One, is the One

                                                      What is NOT the One

                                                        IS ALSO THE ONE."

             From His Master Lao Tzu  =

                             "Secrets upon Secrets, The Gateway to the Manifold Teachings".

Eye Dentity

         The Church of One's Self bestows Personal 'Ministry' upon ALL Its 'Members'.   Here, Every ONE is His or Her Own Master, and, One's Personal History, IZZZ Their, "Teaching".  Here it is where Inter Personal Communication, [in the Form of Social Intercourse] can be 'heard' as a Transmission of Identity {Eye Dentity} --  { "I" Dentity }.   When You communicate You are expressing YOUR SELF as MINISTRY.   You can appreciate the Ramification of such Agency.  

          Back in the Day could be heard, "Say what you MEAN and MEAN what you say."  There was ABJECT INTOLERANCE for the Fluff and Fritter of idle{while} SUPER-ficiality {Super-fishy-Ality}, at least among Those-of-Us who Respected Others  "Simply Because" [that was the "Right Thing To Do" {to Register Carly Simon's Teaching} ].   Many of us US-s, had read Salinger in High School and were Committed TO BE REAL and NOT to actively intone Lame-ality in (from) our PRESENCE.  Indeed, on the Street, Whip and Cudgel DID enter the Theater of Day-to-Day Drama when Status Quo pissants were `admonished` for delivering Insignificance as Valued [Vaunted] Proof of  "I AM" Supremacy.  We use to Beat, --->GET REAL---<  {ur living in a fucking fantasy land}.   

         When you are of the Mind, Seek out "You Make Me Real" the 3rd track off "Morrison Hotel".  This will provide a Sense of almost {osmosic} Interpenetration that Resulted in the Elevation of Person-ALITY.  In other Words, Our Friends {COOD} "Make us better" [more In Tune]  with our COZMIC Self.  This This was often referred to az "Having a Heart of Gold" code for the Valuation of REALITY and One's InterconnectedNess to It.