Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Buddy Kold Ice Sentinel

           If Buddy Kold is given you the warm shoulder well then ya gotta figure hez fuhked and so are you.

          It may not be advisable to begin NAMING my Labor Saving Appliances---in a recent broadcast of NCIS Pauli Pirrette had named her TEETH.  Stupidd .  Guess what ?   Go ahead.................Guess .

          Genius is `pricey`..... .

          In Tyme Ago are drafts of "Imagination".  Within these drafts r various contexts for itz Use and in myy instance AB-USE.   I'd had to find "Pillars" that would Equal the "Pillars of Buddhism" [The Buddha, The Dharma ,, and The Sangha] and `icon` {i con} those to suit The Pillars of Zen which I WANT  to be Those of Zen Master Seung Sahn  [Great Faith ,  Great Courage ,, and Great Question] .  Instead my Imagination  generated startling clarity about the NATURE of said Pillars, their Origin and Function ,, as well as THEIR Identity.  It wuz de-settle-ing   i wuz flailing around so i wouldn't drown.   

          The above explains the Thought Boards and Scattered Scribblings.   

          "What about the Boy ?     What about the boy_________ ??"

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