Friday, January 21, 2022

Status Quo Jo

           Biden stood before our Nation complaining about republiKKKan Obstructionism As If THIS was his FIRST TIME experiencing it .   He was doddering and it INFURIATED me.  A savvy reported scolded him, "Why did you expect ANY Difference from what they gave Obama ?"  Joe started mumbling and fumbling .  "Well there was  this, and then there was That" ...   The Press pressed him .  There wasn't gonna-be ANY Forgiveness and CERTAINLY no Latitude.  Joe had made Promises .

          Joe tried to defend himself.  "Things Change, Times Change, PEOPLE Change"  Geezuz joe NO FUKING SHIT  so WHY HAVEN'T YOU CHANGED ?   Joe whined, "I'm not a Socialist, I'm NOT Bernie Sanders, I'm a Moderate Centralist".  Fuk you joe, "Moderate Centralist" MEANS "Guardian of the Status Quo" ,,,>  Status Quo joe   <,,,  that's what I'M say-n.  

          The hits kept comin'.  "Why haven't you FIRED the assholes that are responsible for EPIC FUKING FAILURES ?"  Joe went straight to "hem and haw".  "They are doing ALL THEY CAN to implement and develop the THINKING necessary to promote Public Welfare".  The Press would have NONE of It where 'IT' sounds and smells like BULLSHIT .  

          Joe promised, "We're-gonna bring in new people that have opposing views to ours so that we may have Dialogue and Exchange (and within THAT Context PERHAPS Solutions will present themselves) .   There was DEFIANT 'open air' SCOFF .  No one believed and no one WANTED to Believe.

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