Friday, January 21, 2022



I MUST give you a sequence from The Art of War .  The FIRST PERSON Joe should bring 'on board' is Mitt Romney, that way joe and his can 'work him over' and hit him with so many RIGHTS he'll be BEGGIN' for a Left.  New Cabinet Positions should be made manifest which will be filled by REPUBLIKKANS, that way NO DISPARAGEMENT would or COULD be generated by ANY republiKKKan  Obstructionists  the  Result  of  Which  would  then   GUARANTEE   Socio - Political  `INSULATION` .  

          Next, joe haz-gotta ABANDON the RETARDED NOTION [where 'retarded' is used in its MECHANICAL aspect as TIMING] because joe AIN'T "NO MAN ON TH STREET"... He's the Exact OPPOSITE .   MAYBE he use-ta be "One of Us" "BUT HE AINT NO MORE".  His presence on the Street  is AT BEST  an EGREGIOUS AGGRAVATION, at Worst,, a personal AFFRONT to 'Workin Joes and Workin' Shoshanna's EVERYWHERE who have had their balls busted and pussys CRUSHED as a result of Linear and GROTESQUE   Socio-Political  Malfeasance .  Stay home joe  get Someone Elses .

        Joe should hire MEEEE to Oversee the Department of Ribald Non-sequiturs  of which I am Masterfully Adept .  I'm cheap too .  180K for HALF a Year .

          I would give Joe `the Eric Dickenson`  ---->  "I'm GREAT, you're NOT --PAY ME ".

Rock Steady..........Steady az She goze ... .



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