Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Oedipus Wrecks


          I completed the Task-next-door.  One 20 foot swamp Maple, 2 GIANT Bittersweets, one 15 foot Choke Cherry and a dry-rotted Cedar ---all the slash burned and only `butt chunks` that need to be mauled.  Someday I'll tell ya the Story BEHIND that ~~~not today.  

          This morning we must advance into the Psycho-Mythological Realm of Mind Sword and ONE of its Mechanical Applications.  We, as in >>I<< , will attempt an initial exploration of 'Territory' that is the `Spiri-Scape` of  "Individuation"  as it relates to (Growth and) Separation from Parental Influence and Culture Socialization .  Here now the Necessity of 'Overthrow' and 'Revolution' not only of Familial Bonds but those of Public Authority as well.


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