Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Warrior Priestess

           At the Close of  `Sumtymewhenever` the Buddha began the "2nd Turning of the Wheel of Dharma".  It MAY be stated that the 'end' of the "First Turning" acted as Death, and the Initiation of the Mahayana can be extruded az Birth.  {Death gives Birth to LIFE}.   So it MAY be that Jesus's 2nd Turning SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE REGISTER OF GENDER EQUALITY.  Mi Mission (and yes i have accepted it) iz to Announce an INTERPRETATION of the Secret Teaching az it wuz Issued and Received by the  Warrior Priestess    Mary Magdalene .

          Open Your Minds, Your Hearts Your Bodies and Your Souls so that the Holy Spirit (Herself FEMALE) may Enter and Generate Vibratory Resonance with the Universal Absolute.   Soon, you will read me `tell` of Jesus's DEVOTION to the Feminine ALL-MIGHTY as found in The Lost Years and the various Gnostic Traditions .  Here it iz where Ancient Zen has Opulence and Sanctuary.

Rock Steady..........Steady az She goez....


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