Friday, January 7, 2022


           So Often we find ourselves not just beneath "The Sword of Damocles" but rather pilloried beneath GUILLOTINE Immediacy.   It is As If the Universe haz reasserted INQUISITION Orthodoxy that we may Relent and Confess Sins-Against-the-Almighty, not just the so-called Father,,  but the MOTHER as well.  I find the NATURE of these 'sins' obsequiously Alluring.

          Trust me, Im  no FAN of 'Atoning' for my Sins REGARDLESS of the Deity  Offended.  I have good days and BAD as do ALL of Us.  But as Far az I go, I REALLY don't wanna admit to ANY Personal Responsibility, like, ATT ALL.  Far more Convenient iz the THRILLING `Spin` of Lies, Deceits and DeCeptions.  Plus, yaknow, I LIKE it.

           I can FILLUP with Smirks and    GARGANTUAN   tynez which mold into   Secrets.  

            Secrets bear the WEIGHT of Mystery and Magic.  Some would argue, I am one, that Secrets ARE 'The Magic'.  Have they not their own Influence ?  Indeed, Yes.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

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