Friday, January 7, 2022

"D" Rugs {Rugs az Magic Carpets}


           I've never spent three hours {ryting} Tweets.  I confess to ibuprofen and acetaminophen as trusted agents of Relief ,,,  Relief which also included a couple of 'gummy bears' from the Couple-Across-The-Street-And- Down-A-Couple-Of-Houses.   THC acts as a Lubricant, it coats the Conduit to ease the Reception of Transmission.  I am loathe to ryte 'Stoned' because I get exceedingly uncomfortable and my Internal Editors rather enjoy the Freak produced by unabashed self-indulgence.  Please forgive an old man. 

          The Thought Wall got filled.   I sat in Chairy-Chair in a Stupor of Wonder & Delight ALMOST Unforgivable because Insight is SUPPOZE-TA "come" at a SERIOUS Cost.   I paid no such Price yesterday and the EEZ at which the Wall was filled wuz edifying to say the least, and FUCKING COZMIC to say the Most.   There are {Tymz} when"Just Sitting" is an `Adventure` of Bodhidharmic Magnitude---He himself seated "Before The Wall" for some NINE (fucking) YEARS.  Here now Patience receives ampLITUDE from Forbearance and Fortitude {Fortin-Tude} to 'produce' Satisfactory Clarity.  Clarity 'means' that there are no Obstructions in the Conduit that would deflect, hinder or modify the Code being Received.  

           Of particular Interest --->  `The Myth lends POWER to the Idiot Obvious`.

            Conduit   {Con Do It}   {Can Do It} .

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