Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Thought ---> {Thaw t} ---> {Th Ought}


          I hair-dried the glacier that had `evolved` in the downstairs freezer,  it took around an hour and a half.  I sat in the Stupor required, making adjustments az the  BIIG THAW demanded.  Ice to water, Solvency to Insolvency......   Solvency evolved into PROBLEM,  Solvency 'took up' Valuable Space ---> not that Insolvency wuz ANY better.... Insolvency was just as 'damaging' but just in another `way`.  

          I was relieved to spend the tyme with Freezer-Buddy Cold >>  Guardian of Ice,,, a WEAPON against Cost-of-Living Expense.  The Freezer iz SYMBOL of Commitment to Savings.  Here products can be purchased at "Sale" prices, Savings resulting and Frugality exercized.  

          In my Ministry I MUST 'Teach' that Every -day Tasks are to be associated (at Best) with Rituals and (at Worst) Miracles.  I BELIEVE my own shit, I can smell it a FUKING Mile away.  'It' duz NOT absolve me from the Sin of [feeling] AGGRAVATION.  How can a fuking Miracle be Aggravating ?    Good question.....


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