Sunday, January 2, 2022

In God We MUST

          One must not believe that the Acquisition of God-Hood entitles one to a "sit back" and watch the "World Go Round" as a PASSIVE Observer of SOMEONE ELSE'S REALITY.   Academics and Scientists of Psychology agree that  Since "We act according to the WAY we See things" so it must be [that] [it is necessary to] Create One's Own 'Perceptual Reality' ".   Here now "Duty To One's Self" becomes Highest Order Imperative.  My Church, the Church of One's Self, will Serve the 'Duty' found in The Analects of Confucius and  the True Nature of the "Superior Man" as described in the I Ching (Book of Changes).   Here it is where Conduct, Deportment, Gait & Carriage will be Presented as APPROPRIATE Attributes {at tributes} of a TRUE Man and TRUE Woman.  



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