Monday, January 17, 2022

Mattipus Rex

          We must ask, "Where iz Will's MOTHER ?" in respect to his WTF `Problamation`.  The ONLY Female in Ben and Matt's Chaos `Pageantry`  iz `Mini`,  a Fund-Endowed Altruist whom we MUST 'figure' iz on her way to some sort of Doctor `Stewardship` ---> the Wonder of Bodhisattva Altruism.  She's using her Endowment to Benefit VAST Others.  Ben and Matt make CERTAIN to position her as ANCHOR to not only an ACADEMIC Realm but az THE "Relationship" Expediter.  Care MUST be Taken to admit Mini into Maternal Exclusivity, meaning, it MAY appear that she is 'just' a `kitten on the Prowl` however the UnConscious Evidence CLEARLY indicates MATERNAL Influence.  Ben and Matt reveal NOTHING about Matt's 'Mom' and her Radical Invisibility INVOLVES Mini az Surrogate `Appendage`.  
          Here, "Finding" one's Self  INCLUDES Mental LIBERATION.  This Liberation manifests in the Excision of Paternal Power and the `Unifaction` of Feminine Authority.  Some of you will see the "Oedipal Complex" at 'Work', I az well.  Robin's Psychology iz wielded az  Weapon to Advantage Oedipal Objectives.  Matt's Father MUST BE Confronted AZ WELL AZ HIS 'RELATIONSHIP' TO FEMALE AGGRANDIZMENT .  Here now Matt az Oedipus, he MUST 'KILL' his father and MARRY his Mother IFF he iz to find his self AND be Liberated from Paternal Consumption.  

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