Monday, January 17, 2022

The Her in Phere

           Remember whatz 'at stake' here.  SUPER-mini is Offering Matt nothing shrt of Paradise, but this Paradise iz {uv} HER World.  She haz NOTHING to lose should the Marriage result in Failure and/or Dissolution.   Matt haz EVERYTHING to Looze, specifically his BROTHERHOOD >>> a Brotherhood that iz TOTALLY and COMPLETELY DEVOTED TO HIM .  This THIS iz az close to LOVE that Matt can 'get'.  It iz MATERNAL in Nature in that the Brotherhoodz Love iz UNCONDITIONAL .   Their Devotion to him iz ALL that he thinks he needs .  Should he attempt Unification with the Idealized Female he may FORFEIT the Very GRAVITY he needs to remain in the day-to-day SANITY uv Proletariat Dis- Compunction .   

          Plus --- Heez  "Scared Shitless".   

          Fear                                  duz that.

                   [uv the Unknown]

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