Saturday, January 1, 2022 make Zence...

           Zen is = = = =

                                                       "A Special Transmission Outside the Scriptures

                                                           No Dependence on Words or Letters

                                                               DIRECT Pointing to MIND

                                  SEEING INTO ONE'S SELF and the Attainment of Buddhahood"

          From these Four I will Scalpel-out (micro-Sword) the Last.

           I MUST Direct Your Attention to "Seeing Into One's Self" OBVIOUSLY because I have 'Made' It THE CHURCH.  But be Apprised {a Prize-d} that there is the so-called"Double -Entendre", that's the One of 'double' tw o Meanings.  Here it is CRITICALLY IMPERATIVE to Apprehend that,  according to MYY Teaching, the Universe HAZ A SELF.  This Universe is ONE "Self".  [Phuck if that aint the cat's pajamiz].   Seeing Into One's Self is seeing into Universal ONENESS.  We are AT ONE with (and Through) the Universe.

        Chuang Tsu Delivers His Teaching =

                                                    "What is the One, is the One

                                                      What is NOT the One

                                                        IS ALSO THE ONE."

             From His Master Lao Tzu  =

                             "Secrets upon Secrets, The Gateway to the Manifold Teachings".

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