Monday, January 17, 2022

Sob Riot-y

           We KNOW that Matt iz FILLED with Dis-Trust, Mis-Trust and Mal-Trust uv Mini and her (what he views az her) obsequious Intentions to Penetrate Matt's Fortifications and Release a Pure Love she FEELS iz at his True Core.  Matt haz pressed her (up) against the Wall (Literally = 'her back iz against the Wall') where she IMPLORES him to say "I dont love you".   Know that ALL the Negatives Matt Contains are those of the "Terrible Mother" a Mother whose Presence-az-Protector wuz NEVER manifested on Matt's behalf.  Due to his Confinement-Resulting-In-Repression, Matt can NOT Trust, where Trust is Code for LOVE .   Helpless, Mini begins to sob .

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