Sunday, January 2, 2022

Teach T Each {To Each}

           Here's iz my Orientation.   The Ancient Chinese Believed --->   "The Foundation of the Empire IS THE INDIVIDUAL".   Wasn't it Herr Hermann Hesse who orphaned, "The Society Rests Upon it Artists and its Criminals".  If I am to  "Practice What I Preach" then it is {Silent Mandate} to EXECUTE those Practices with unmitigated Ferocity as though a staving Tigress ravaging for food for her {cubs}.  

          If I can {{{ ALTAR}}} the so-called Modernist by advancing The TEACHING , I can then Promote Chanjje FOR THE BETTER, where Better is code for {Better-Meant}.

          There's NO QUESTION that my seemingly NOBLE Altruism contains rather a GREAT Deal of Samurai Arrogance, Kung Fu Misanthropy and Ambition-Ridden Pestilence.  

          I gotta tell-ya ---->   I'm `good` with that.  

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