Saturday, January 8, 2022

"In Woman We Trust"

           Americans live beneath the Psychological Constellation of FEMALE Deities.  Miss America, Miss Liberty, Miss Democracy (I luv this next) Miss Justice -----ALL of Whom have been De-Flowered (De Powered) by MALE Complications which MANifest az  OBSCURATIONS az {well}.  The Star Light of Feminine Illumination has been monstrously dim-man-ished because of MALE Oriented God-ship, the One of God az {MASK YOU LINE}  Authority.   Know  that Female Illumination Intends the so-called "shed" of Light onto Socio-PSYCHOLOGICAL Territories --- those of COMPASSION, EMPATHY and Political Divinity the One of MATERNAL `Sociopathy`----(re-defined as) the Inherent GOODNESS of Female SUCCOR----that which Can provide the so-called "Cradle to Grave" UNCONDITIONAL CARE. 

          You can See it ryte ?   There IZ NO FEMALE POLITICAL DIVINITY that can PENETRATE the Fortress of Status Quo Masculinity.    Democracy az Feminine AGENCY haz been NEUTRALIZED by the  rabid  INDUSTRIAL  Mechanization   and  Territorial WEAPONIZATION  of  Covert  [Old Testament] MISOGYNY .   

           Let's address the Tyme.   Let's see OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS of MASCULINE DEBAUCHERY  versus  the 'Modern'  Suffragette Composite.  

          Let's post the Score :     Godmen   2,000      Femgodz    10.

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