Sunday, January 2, 2022


           My INTENTION is to   >DEEPEN Your Spirituality< .    I stole this Phrase from Gray in his Men Are From Mars, Women Are From {Hell}.   He set this GOAL for Couples, that they may stay ORIENTED to the Sacrament that is SUPPOSE-TA-BE Sacred, the Religious Intimacy of Marriage-Like [Universal] Clime.  Here 'Religion' is Code for Devotion(al).   Your Church MUST prenominate Devotion to One's Self' as THE 'Defining Aspect [Condition] of Your Teaching since IT IZ YOUR ESSENCE MANIFESTED IN REALITY .  

          Remember what it is we are trying to Execute ------> The Immediate and DIRECT Transformation from 'Earthly Habituation' to 'Celestial Reformation'.  Here it is where "Change" is not only a Universal  "ABSOLUTE"   Change    IZ THE MECHANISM {Vehicle} for "ITS" Delivery.  

          You CAN'T See this One Kidz Ya gotta FEEL it {As Truth}.  It ezest if your perceive Change to be the feelings of being transported as if you were a passenger in a car.   


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