Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Saint {P-ALL }

           From the Teaching of Saint Paul =  One Corinthians   6:19

Do you not know that your body is a  temple of the Holy Spirit within you,  which you  have  from  God  ?  YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN,  YOU  WERE   BOUGHT   WITH   A   PRICE.....


          Recall :   "Aint no such thing as a Free Lunch" and "Nothin' is for Nothin" ?   Well, here you go.

          Un Mercifully that "Price" was passed along to US.  We must Pay the RENT for the Holy Spirit to Reside in our own Temple.   Here now the Cost is ransomed as DUTY, as in "Duty to One's Self".  Here now the Extravagance ---->   Duty to One's Self   IZ   Duty to One's NATION.   Do not shirk from this.






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