Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Voice of Forever

           There's this 10th Century Cleric who operaters uzing William Langland.  He rote Piers the Ploughman [PLOWMAN].  His work is ratsy-assy--Medieval Allegory gone the way of  Alice In Wonderland `Symposium `.  He has a pet phraze that will tear fresh flesh off your brain bone -- it is  "The Patient Conquer".  Get use to `Aint nothin' for Nothin' ` and call me Piers.

          Commitment  {EYE-Dentifies}  az CONSECRATION .  Once you Commit to Your Self  "Finding Your VOICE" must-be actualized with the greatest Haste.   Your Voice IZ GOD'S VOICE !  

Rock Steady.........Steady as She goes....



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