Monday, January 17, 2022

The WTF uv WTF


          By now you have recognized the (almost) Biblical Value of "Good Will Hunting".  Although Affleck and Damon have gone "Site Specific" it remains that their Story reaches 'Depth Psychology' Universality sometimes due to Brilliant Acting that depicts Punishing Excruciation and sometimes due to IMMEDIATE Sensation az experienced, for instance, in the Apple-Bar Scene described Elsewhere.  Here, each word 'hits' the rite note, phrazes 'strike' the rite chord and a `Real-Tyme [Audio-Visual] Harmonic`  'rings' az 'True'.  

          This `Truth-uv-shared-Experience` draws the Viewer INTO Matt's World DESPITE his seemingly OTHER WORLDLY Identity whereby his Genius MAKES him "A Stranger in a Strange Land" ---> Foreign to only a mini-cozmo-scopic Few.  We KNOW that Matt haz Issue with this Strange Land in the "Why-not-kill-my-own-Buddy" Scene ~~~ the one where the DOD Interviews him with Recruit-mental Agenda.  Matt delivers a Shakespearian Soliloquy that is EQUAL to ANY `off the plume` of Mighty Will .  Matt's DISDAIN of Weaponized Math only ADDZ to an Overall Intra-Personal CHAOS upon which his Vocational Life iz positioned.  

         He duznt know Who He Iz ---of what USE iz his >>>Gift<<< and the WTF of WTF !

         Here now, Matt enjoins us to Accept HIS Chaos az UNIVERSAL WTF, which we do with Compassion AND Commiseration .   Here it iz where we Recognize OUR 'Plight' az HIS.

          Az far az BRILLIANT SCRIPT goze, "It dont get no better".


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