Thursday, January 27, 2022


           Jesus said, "For I have come to set a man against his father..."  Here now the beginning of "Oedipal" Transgressions, the one of Patricide "In The Name Of Love" .  This >This< is none other than 'The-Christ-To-Be' wielding His Mind Sword to SEVER  the 'Bond' between father and son, `so that` there may be NO DISTANCE between the son and his True Father, the Heavenly Father , The Almighty God .  We must View the "set" as a Sword Stroke >>  I have come to SEVER the Earthly Ties of son to father .  To fulfill the "Prophecy", Oedipus slew his own father while ravaging Thoughts of his mother in something of an Emotional clusterfuk of Unconscious Dynamics, not the least of which was Incest .   We must askew, for the time being, all aspects and components of the "...Marry the Mother" Predicate .  Our Focus is the Wielding of Mind Sword to advance the Individual's Growth and Maturation , the Ones that Force 'Self Identity' as DIVORCED from Paternal Aggravations--- It is SPIRITUALLY Detrimental to reside in the 'Shadow' of one's father, to "Follow in his footsteps", at the Profound Expense of  One's SINGULAR Expression .  Growth and Maturation DEPEND upon DIRECT {Son Light} if One is to 'Find' one's 'Own Way' .   

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