Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The shit kick-n shit shovel-er

           Ya know how we say, "I'm 'on-it' " to indicate engagement ?  Well i wuz choking on my own "on-it".  I wuz SUPPOZE to be 'Writing' --- all 3 Boards were filled and edited, plus i had Pages of unfiltered Material lying {lie-ing} around .......I couldn't [get it up] onto  the  Screen  THAT  was  the  Aggravation ,, where Aggravation is defined s BURDEN.  (It aint good for a guy not to be able to 'get it up`) .  

           Sum-Tymz i gotta shovel shit.  It aint that i mind,, it's just that it iz NOT the `Creation` that's found in RE-Creation  >> which wuz awaiting me with lead-tipped Whip and barbed-wire Chain.  Ryting just reg'lar shit can be an experience of Tedium, in that, its execution duz NOT enter paradisiacal Delirium a Place i'd rather be, mainly bc THAT'S where all the potential Wisdom Resides, chek that, where i WANT it to Reside.  I mean it this way :   You can 'do' Sword or you can DO Sword.  One iz Exercize /  the other a Spiritual Endeavor that may Result in Wisdom Acquisition.  

          Buddy Cold wuz NOT "delivering the goods".  ....and so i sat Heat Gun in hand waiting for the Future.

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