Saturday, January 1, 2022

Eye Dentity

         The Church of One's Self bestows Personal 'Ministry' upon ALL Its 'Members'.   Here, Every ONE is His or Her Own Master, and, One's Personal History, IZZZ Their, "Teaching".  Here it is where Inter Personal Communication, [in the Form of Social Intercourse] can be 'heard' as a Transmission of Identity {Eye Dentity} --  { "I" Dentity }.   When You communicate You are expressing YOUR SELF as MINISTRY.   You can appreciate the Ramification of such Agency.  

          Back in the Day could be heard, "Say what you MEAN and MEAN what you say."  There was ABJECT INTOLERANCE for the Fluff and Fritter of idle{while} SUPER-ficiality {Super-fishy-Ality}, at least among Those-of-Us who Respected Others  "Simply Because" [that was the "Right Thing To Do" {to Register Carly Simon's Teaching} ].   Many of us US-s, had read Salinger in High School and were Committed TO BE REAL and NOT to actively intone Lame-ality in (from) our PRESENCE.  Indeed, on the Street, Whip and Cudgel DID enter the Theater of Day-to-Day Drama when Status Quo pissants were `admonished` for delivering Insignificance as Valued [Vaunted] Proof of  "I AM" Supremacy.  We use to Beat, --->GET REAL---<  {ur living in a fucking fantasy land}.   

         When you are of the Mind, Seek out "You Make Me Real" the 3rd track off "Morrison Hotel".  This will provide a Sense of almost {osmosic} Interpenetration that Resulted in the Elevation of Person-ALITY.  In other Words, Our Friends {COOD} "Make us better" [more In Tune]  with our COZMIC Self.  This This was often referred to az "Having a Heart of Gold" code for the Valuation of REALITY and One's InterconnectedNess to It.

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