Thursday, January 27, 2022

Drawn Sword Settled Future

           Sickle and Scythe did NOT Kill nor Prevent John Barleycorn's 'Ability' to withstand Death and be Reborn.  To 'Sever Completely' means that the excised CANNOT Return .  There exists within Mind Sword a 'Cauterizing Agent' that fuses the ends of Everything Severed thus preventing its growth and spread.  This 'Cauterizing Agent' does not 'Prevent" the 'Residual Aftereffect' of What-Was-Once-Alive from appearing as conditions may or may not 'warrant'.  This 2ndary Effect has NO Power --there is and can be NO Influence .   

          Know that The Wielding of Sword is for the Purpose of Gaining Result .   Indiscriminate or poorly conceived Effort can and WILL  always   Result in Superior DIS-Advantage .  Once your Sword is Drawn the Future is Settled .  

          So it is that Caution MUST be Applied in order to Secure Ryte Action .  This Caution is Powered by Patience and Perseverance .  Before one 'Draws' Rationality and Highest Order Reasoning should have been advantaged which would then "Settle" one into   Centered  Resolute .   From  this   Position   of   Quiet Resolution  ALL [Combat] Immediacies are Completely Accessible .  

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