Sunday, January 16, 2022

Total ReCall


          I must IMPLORE Uze Gyze to begin assimilating the Cozmic TRUTH that Each Individual CONTAINS the TOTALITY Uv the {YOU-Ni-Verse}.  This THIS is COZMIC ABSOLUTE.   Believe It.

          I wood make Profane the "Spirit of Christ Iz Within You" az well as "We are all Buddhas".   Can we then conclude "The  Spirit  of  Good  Will  iz  Inside  You" ?    What about "The Spirit uv Minni" ?  Duz SHE 'dwell' inside Each and Every One of Us ?????  

          I can Hear You  "What iz the NATURE uv the Universe " ?

           Here now THE BEST  

           "The Nature of the Universe iz Created by Mind alone" .

Rock Steady........ Steady az She Goze... .


1 comment:

  1. The universe is mind alone, not something creating nature of or characteristics, this heresy leads to creationist nonsense and samsara, suspend judgment is the antidote to assignation of the form of man to the universe,it’s just more name and form!
