Monday, January 3, 2022


           The Blind Poet, Homer,,  >tendered<  a Punishing Duality : the "Long Life of Mediocrity" or the "Short Life of Glory".   The Former MAY result in a Life whose only Proof of Attainment may be marked by a Gravestone, while the Latter finds Fulfillment in a Brief ExPLOSION that GUARANTEES Societal Recognition and its subsequent Celebrity GRANDIOSITY .  

          The Ancient Chinese offered the "Life of the Sage" {as if } to complete the Hegelian Model, "Thesis,  Antithesis,,   ---->   Synthesis.   Whether or not We can render `Satisfaction` from Hegel  is Dependent upon the Inclusion or X-Clusion of the Universal Laws of Karma.   Here, at Its BLINDING MAGNIFICENCE iz This Majestic Beauty   =    "All Things Through Karma"  where the Word 'through' signifies 'Are the Results of ' .  Here now an  *All Pervasive*    Karma "Rules" Chanjje as its Agency of Force.     It is Karma that iz   "The Unmoved Mover"   of Universal Energies.  

           Be Advised,    The Laws of Karma are Immutable and Granite-like.  

1 comment:

  1. Be advised they are not also not not,,,mindfulness pales and fades to the void mindlessness expands as a singularity,Buddha nature is inconceivable, so how does Buddha conceive this karma, don’t know , but not as a conception , rather the correct direction and the unbending of the intent to save all sentient beings ,,,the essence is it’s fluidity to function, the cultivation is the absence of karma Hwaum Style
