Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Al Eye


          I've determined I must {altar} my {ryting} so that the 'type' can indicate which {Stephen} iz at work operating the Pen.  I know it will be BLATANTLY disconcerting to my Gentle Readers.  I see no other course.

          A LARGE portion of this morning's bitter-mint is that I gotta ryte about ~Residing In Beauty~  I don't FEEL Beautiful, yesterday's workout has rendered me HOSTILE and AGGRESSIVE.  I NEED to `Weaponize Beauty` to call upon HER to Switch-Blade into Artemis, the "Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, Competitor, and Sister"  [ According to Dr. Jean Shinoda] .  In several Realms the 'Hunt' manifests as  `The HUNT for Truth`.  

          Know that Beauty is an ALLY .  

           I NEED all the Help I can get.

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