Sunday, January 16, 2022

Dyno Sore


          Generating what I have tagged a 'Guilt Free Reality' DEMANDS [that] (Ego Inflicted) Lies, Deceits , and Deceptions anchor a Consciousness that is bound to Ego Gratification, Ego Indulgence and UnRelenting Ego Affirmation.  Here it iz where the [Demands-uv-the] Ego duz NOT 'Serve' the Collective Conscious but rather undermines {under Minds} the Ego-Self Alliance of DEPENDENT Intramural CO-OPERATION .   Having ONLY Ego Indulgence as Orientation AND Trajectory GUARANTEES  `WAYWARD` >>> ANTI-DEMOCRATIC <<<  [Socio-Political] Exigencies .   

         ANY "Path" toward Collective Conscious REPAIR {RE >>  PAIR}  MUST-BE Cleared of those Obstructions that were CARE-LESS-LY discarded by INDIVIDUAL Delusion, Sloth, Arrogance and Gluttony.  

         [... ]  So now the Problem iz {`I'-Dentified} and the Solution made Apparent {A Parent}.   It is incumbent upon the INDIVIDUAL to POLICE his/her Area of Trespass and Violation thereby REMOVING the Discharge and Debris of [Ego Inflicted] Plenary Indulgence .

          I can hear your Hollars uv dismay  "E-Z er SAID than DUN".  

           I know ----------------I know .....

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