Saturday, January 8, 2022

Seek Rats

           I Viewed "Arrival" yesterday to get reinforcement on a 'Vision' I had concerning Language as 'adaptive Agency'.  Here, as the Writer of "Arrival" Expressed, Language both 'Filters' and MANIPULATES Thinking.  Indeed, it MAY be appropriate to bastardize, "We ACT according to the way we TALK"  where 'Talk' is the Result of Conscious (Integral) Thought Production and UNCONSCIOUS Thinking.   

          I confess to the Sin of MISSING THE FUCKING OBVIOUS.  It is IMPERATIVE for Readers and Viewers, to fully Appreciate the Archetypal MAGNITUDE of  a WOMAN, who,, ON BEHALF OF THE ENTIRE PLANET,,, Generates the Energy to Penetrate the Mysteries of Heptopod Communication.  Indeed, there is that Scene in which She is "Taken Up Into The Heptopod Heaven" where she COMMUNES with Heptopod Nobility that she may Understand their Will and Intent.    Here now "Woman as World", the APEX of Earthly FEMININE Intrigue which GUARANTEES Proximal if not INFINITE Authority.  

          The Woman's ABILITY to RECEIVE Heaven Sent Sanction iz parallel to that of St Mary Magdalene who wuz the ONLY "Disciple" to RECEIVE THE SECRET TEACHING.  

           "Women Rule--------Men drool."

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